Chapter 1

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When Leah moved to middle-of-nowhere North Carolina, she really, really hadn't expected larger than usual dogs to come through her freshly planted herb garden. And, when she said 'come through,' she actually meant trampling, wrestling to the point of drawing blood, and- last by not least- ruining nearly 4 hours of hard work.

That was 4 precious hours of motivation-filled glee that she would not get back. Nor was it likely to reappear anytime soon. So much for that health kick that lasted all of one day.

After her ex-fiancee got re-engaged to her dear friend Maggie, Leah decided she had finally had enough. Enough of two-faced dogs, men, backstabbing ex-best friends, and relationships. All relationships. Friendships, one night stands, romances, men. She'd long-since decided that the hermit life was the life for her.

Companionship be damned.

Anyway, it's safe to say that when these slobbering beasts decided to make themselves at home in what was supposed to be her new sanctuary, she was at her wit's end.

That's why, giant dog or not, she had no control over what came out of her mouth when she saw them through her window. In the basil. The basil!

"What in the name of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph do you two idiots think you are doing?!" She was heated. Fuming. Hands shaking and near the edge of an all-out mental breakdown. No amount of training as a board-certified psychologist was about to help her out. No deep breathing, soothing words, or there there could stop this train.

"I literally just fuh-reaking planted those. Literally walked in ten minutes ago! Just who raised you?! Is that how it is in the wild dog kingdom? You just walk around ruining the efforts of others? When they're already- quite obviously- having a really, supremely terrible time?" They both stopped to look at her, exchanged glances, and then- as if they understood what she was saying- began to back away slowly. Now she knew she was losing it. All of her marbles were falling out of her head and littering themselves all over the freshly turned soil.

"Don't you even think about backing away. You mess it up, you clean it up." The larger one raised its eyebrows- do dogs even have eyebrows?- at here. "You heard me, mister. Get the heck to work." Leah turned around and stomped back inside the house.

She walked back to her window from which she saw them initially damaging her property. They looked back at her staring through the window. Then, slowly, they started shuffling the mess of roots and leaves into neat piles. Even sniffing out which plants went together: basil with the basil, mint with the mint, tarragon with the tarragon, thyme with the thyme.

Nodding her head, she decided to remain calm- outwardly- while the dogs decided to do non-dog-like actions. Internally, of course, her organs were screaming things along the lines of "ohmygod, ohmygod, ohmygod."

When the two dogs- okay, at this point it's probably fair to say that they're a little wolfy- wrapped up their task, they looked at her one last time before bounding back into the woods, nipping at each other's heels.

Well, that was weird. Not every day you see woodland creatures do as you ask. Had North Carolina turned her into freaking Snow White? Was this a thing now? Maybe she was still asleep. Did she fall asleep after she finished her planting?

Leah pitched herself hard. Ouch. Definitely not asleep. Well, this was just another turn on the life-falling-apart wagon that she was just going to have to accept. Maybe this is why Kevin left her. Maybe he could sense that there was something more happening in Leah's brain than she could. Maybe- just maybe- he had a sixth sense too and knew that Maggie was way saner than Leah would ever be.

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