Tacophone // Blossom

436 13 4

Human Au


Third person pov



Microphone looked up from her phone, "What?"

Taco's cat, Blossom, was sitting on her papers.

"Awww. Blossom's so cute." Mic giggles.

Taco huffed, "Yes, yes, very cute, but I need her off. I was working on those."

"What are you writing anyway?" Mic asked walking over to her.

"Uh well, it's planning on what to do based on each challenge the viewers can pick." The smaller replied.

"Ooh." Mic said, "Can I see?"

"No the cats on them."

"Oh. Yeah."

Microphone and Taco stood in silence for a bit until Mic spoke.

"Why don't you just pick her up and move her."

Taco looked aghast, "That would be rude! Why would I do that to her?"

"To uhhh get her off your papers?" Mic suggested.

Taco blinked. "Oh yeah. Well, Blossom's more important so I guess she can sit on them."

Mic smiled, ruffling Taco hair, "You're so cute."

Taco pushed Microphone hands away, blushing. "Ughh stop. I'm not cute." She said annoyed.

Microphone kissed her on the cheek. "Debatable." Then walked away leaving a flustered Taco behind her.

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