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After evening prayer Rohini went to her chamber for taking rest as no one was allowing her to even touch any work. Even she was forbade to think about any work. So there was only one option left for her, and that was rest, rest and only rest.

After sometimes of silence in privacy brothers came to her holding their hands backwards which was indicating that they were hiding something.

"What you both are hiding?" She narrowed eyes at them, trying to figure out what they were holding.

"Something which will make your leisure time enjoyable," Dau replied making her more curious.

"Really? Then show me! Show me!" Excitement started to rise in her highly.

"Here it's!" Kanha forwarded some novels to her.

"Books are the most trusted friends. Their company will always care about the good composition of positivity around you," Dau placed rest of the books on nearby table after Rohini held one among those from Kanha.

"So nice of you both. I will surely read, and complete these," She held both of their hands to make them sit.

"Mata, after novels which kind of book is your first preference to read?" Kanha asked caressing her hairs.

"Philosophical books" She replied in short as relaxation has washed over her with Kanha's touch.

"And after that?" Dau started to massage her legs.

"Then historical books" She answered with closed eyes.

"Nice choice, Mata. Your connectivity with books will build up good educational tendencies in our ladli," Kanha told sharing smiling glances with dau.

"Everyone says a child starts his or her education from mother's lap. But you both initiated it from womb for your ladli," Rohini told with content.

"Mata, don't worry. We will make you to enjoy your schedule," Kanha assured making her smile wider.

"I trust both of you. Surely it's gonna happen," She leaned more to the head board with relaxation.

"Maiya, we have more things to do for our ladli," Rohini opened her eyes quickly at the mention of word "more".

Kanha's promise of making her enjoy the schedule made her relaxed while dau's words made that relaxation evaporate.

"Still more left! Means I have much more to tackle!" Her mouth left open in astonishment.

"You said you trust us just before sometimes. Isn't it?" Playfulness knocked to Kanha's mind at her expression.

"But consider the level of acceptance of your poor mata," She pleaded nearly with a terrified face.

"The Path we have decided for you has new areas of interest. So it's just feeling weird to you" Kanha left the playful tone to console her.

"With in few days you will start cherishing your schedule planned by us. It's our guarantee, and for some days you don't have to face any change. Your schedule will be continued like today's one," Again they made her meet the same relaxation as before.

"Ok, You have my support," She held both of their hands again.

"That's like my Mata!" Kanha pinched her cheeks making her giggle.

"Now let's go for dinner. Tomorrow we will come to take you for morning walk. Maiya, this time come with fresh spirit," Dau told helping her to get down from bed along with Kanha.

"You are commenting on my spirit!" She slapped dau's back softly.

"Ok, next time I will compliment you," Dau told quickly for saving himself from more slaps. His expression made her laugh. They too joined her.

So readers, here's the next part

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So readers, here's the next part.

Now questions.

(1) Any fact you liked here?

(2) Any gesture to be commented?

(3) Any guess or expectation for next?

LAXMIPATI SHRI NARAYAN, please accept the positivity of my this work as an offering to you in name of all wellbeing of my LIFELINE.


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