1. Welcome to Crystal Cove

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H/t = Home Town
A/n: You guys can just look like yourselves for the story. And the voting is still on, so if you guys still want to vote for who you should date, then you can choose either Velma or Daphne.

Early one morning, a 2016 silver Ford Mustang driving down the highway. And in the driver seat is a teen with his uncle in the passenger seat. They have been driving for the last couple days after leaving (H/t). After a couple more minutes, the car comes to a stop.

The teen and his uncle had arrived at a town that was called "Crystal Cove

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The teen and his uncle had arrived at a town that was called "Crystal Cove." The teens uncle had gotten a new job from the insurance company he works for. That's the reason they had to move to a new town. But it wasn't sitting to well with the teen that they had to move.

Y/n: Why are we here, uncle Brian?

Brian L/n: I told you Y/n, I got a new job for a high ranked company here.

Y/n: I know, but why would it be at a place that claims to be the "most haunted place on Earth?"

Brian L/n: It probably just says that to bring in tourists for fake attractions.

Y/n: I don't know.

Brian L/n: Don't worry, your going to love it here Y/n, I just know it.

After a couple of minutes, Y/n and his uncle, Brian L/n, drove into town to look for a real estate agency. They knew that they had to find a new house so the moving truck could bring their stuff. After a few minutes, Y/n and his uncle found the building that they were looking for.

Brian L/n: Alright Y/n, it shouldn't take me long to find a house for us to move into. So just wait here for a few minutes and I'll be right back.

Y/n: Alright uncle Brian.

With that, Y/n's uncle went in to find a house while he waited outside. It was to bad that Y/n's uncle couldn't bring his old car. Sadly, his uncle's car had gotten old over the years and it got to the point it couldn't be used.

So while Y/n was waiting outside, he decided to walk around. He knew if this was his new home, he might as well get familiar with the town. Then Y/n had noticed that he was just down from Crystal Cove's Main Street. So he decided to check it out and see what the town had to offer.

So after Y/n walked down Main Street, he accidentally bumped into a man who exited City Hall. Sadly, it caused both of them to practically fall and the other guy wasn't happy. So Y/n helped the man up and, judging from the suit and tie, knew he was the mayor.

Mayor Jones: Tickling chin whiskers, watch where you're going young man.

Y/n: Sorry, I wasn't paying attention.

Mayor Jones: Say, I don't recall seeing you around here before.

Y/n: Well, my uncle and I are just moving here from (H/t). And he's at the real estate agency getting our new house now.

Mayor Jones: Well, as the mayor, I'd like to welcome you to Crystal Cove. And I'm sorry for snapping at you before hand.

Y/n: Its alright, your obviously in a rush to go and-- Where are you going, if you don't mind me asking?

Mayor Jones: Unfortunately, I have to bail my son and his friends out of the police station. Again.

Y/n: Sorry to hear that, I mean, isn't the mayor's son suppose to set an example?

Mayor Jones: Yes, and he tries, but his obsession of mysteries always gets him and his friends in trouble.

Y/n: Huh, well If you don't mind, may I come with you to meet him.

Mayor Jones: I guess it's alright.

With that, the mayor led Y/n to the nearby police station. Once they had arrived, they were met by a cop waiting by the door.

Sheriff Stone: Hey Mayor Jones, *sees you* who's the kid?

Mayor Jones: This is Y/n L/n, he and his uncle are new residence here in town.

Sheriff Stone: Well Y/n, as long as you don't cause any trouble, then you and I will get along just fine. Got that?

Y/n: Crystal clear sheriff.

Sheriff Stone: Good. So you here for your son and his little friends.

Mayor Jones: You already know the answer to that Sheriff.

So the sheriff and the mayor went to where the cells were to get whoever they had mentioned. A moment or so later, a group of teens and their dog came out, but the mayor and sheriff didn't yet. They all noticed Y/n, and Fred was the first to speak up.

Fred: Hey, are you knew?

Y/n: Yeah, my uncle and I just moved here from (H/t).

Fred: Yeah, my dad just said someone just moved here. I'm Fred, and this is Daphne, Velma, Shaggy, and--

Scooby: And Scooby-Doo.

Y/n: Y/n L/n.

Y/n was in disbelief that their dog had just talked. And after they introduced themselves properly, they left and Y/n followed a moment later. As soon as he exited the police station, he saw each of the other teens get into separate cars and leave. So Y/n decided it was best to not keep his uncle waiting. After Y/n got back to the real estate agency, his uncle came out a moment later.

Brian L/n: Sorry that took so long, some other guy was taking forever and their computers crashed afterwards.

Y/n: Its alright uncle Brian, so where are we moving into.

Brian L/n: A house that's called the "Old Harrison Place." Apparently, it's been on the market for a year since people think its "haunted."

Y/n: Well, I guess let's go see it.

So Y/n and his uncle got into his car and made their way to their new home in the nearby suburbs. When they got to the old Harrison place, it looked a little run down. And the inside wasn't as bad as the outside, and they knew it would take some work to fix it up.

Brian L/n: Well, it looks like we got a bit of work to do around here.

Y/n: At least it's not a total dump.

Brian L/n: C'mon bud, a little fresh paint here, some new carpet there, and it'll be alright. But we can worry about that later, I'll go enroll you at the local school to get you started ASAP.

Y/n: Alright.

Y/n knew that it was going to be a little tough starting at a new place. But he would at least give the town a try for a little while. Little did Y/n know was that his life was going to be different in more ways than one.

A/n: Hey guys, I hope you've enjoyed the first chapter of the story. And like I said at the beginning, the voting is still open to you guys. So don't forget to leave a comment and a vote and I'll see you guys next time in.

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