KURRO- argument

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tiktok prompt/headcannon: Kurro will point out your insecurities during arguments-

It was a Wednesday afternoon and your classes ended early on Wednesdays. You were happy because you could go to watch your boyfriend Kurros match today. The door to the gym came in view and you walked in and saw the two teams warming up. Kurro spotted you and smiled while waving. You waved back and also waved to his best friend kenma.

"Hey y/n" their coach said as you sat on the floor by kurros bag.

"Hello sir" you smiled brightly and grabbed your phone out to read while you waited for them to play.

It had been about 20 minutes when you heard a whistle blow. "Yes!" Someone on the bench said and You realized the game had started and you missed them scoring a few points. You saw that nekoma was ahead by 10 points and you looked over at kurro to see him serving. You watched in awe as the ball sailed over the net.

For the rest of the game you watched with a smile. A few times kurro had looked at you but he didn't smile. You thought he was just in game mode and didn't think anything of it. After it was over you stood up holding kurros bag out to him.

Kurro walked off to the locker room and came back. You smiled at him as he walked over and tried to hug him but he just scoffed. "Kurro-" your tried but he just rolled his eyes and left. You quickly ran after him and he just walked until he came to a park and he stopped.

"Stop following me" he scoffed again and turned to you with his arms crossed.

"W-what?" You asked confused. "Are you mad at me?"

"Of fucking course I'm mad at you!" He said and stomped his foot a bit.

Your stomach twisted, "what did I do?"

"Seriously?" He looked at you like you were rediculous. "Why do you even come to my games if your not gonna watch and cheer me on?"

"But I did watch-"

"You were on your phone for most of the time and god knows you were probably reading that dumb shit again because you don't have any fucking friends." He glared at you.

"Kurro what-" you felt hurt by that comment. "I have friends what's your problem" you crossed your arms over your body in a protective way.

"Oh really?" He stepped closer to you and tilted his head almost as if taunting you. "If you had friends you wouldn't need to hang out with me so much. Or be so fucking clingy. Not everyone wants to talk to you so much." He uncrossed his arms and was talking with his hands. "For godsake I don't blame people for not wanting to be your friend. I mean look at you. Nobody would want to bring you out to eat that's for sure."

"Huh?!" You felt your stomach drop. It felt like the two apples you ate today were going to come back up and you stepped back from him. "I-"

"God now your just gonna fucking cry." He threw his hands up and backed away. "I can't deal with your annoying ass right now" he pulled his phone out and walked away. "Hey kenma in coming over."

You watched him walk away and finally let the tears slip out. Walking over to the pond in the park you collapsed into a pile of tears. You dry heaved over the grass and tried to get everything out of your system. You had actually ate today and what Kurro said made you regret that decision. Usually when you argued he didn't bring that up because he knew how insecure you were. Usually he'd bring up some of your insecurities but never your body, face, or weight.

You wiped your mouth after puking and stood up. On shaky legs you started the walk to your house. It was like lead were on your feet as you made your way home. On the way you heard someone call your name. "Y/n!" Turning your head you saw one of the managers from another volleyball team. "Hey! Wait why are you crying?" She asked and you just smiled.

"It's nothing." She frowned and shook her head. "I just had an argument with Kurro but it's fine."

"Oh I'm sorry" she smiled and patted your shoulder. "I just wanted to say hi, but I got to go now I'll talk to you later." She walked off waving.

"Alright" you waved and turned around to start walking again.

When you made it back to your house you walked inside and stared at the empty space. A note on the fridge indicated your father was out of the for the rest of the month again. In the kitchen you stared at the refrigerator, hunger was eating at you but you couldn't eat anything. You sighed and sat on your couch, the feeling of loneliness consuming you.

It had been about an hour of silence and the tears were still easing there way down your face. At some point you had moved to the bathroom and were now sitting in front of the toilet trying to throw up everything you have ever eaten. The more that nothing came out the more upset you got. Your phone had rang a bunch of times but you couldn't even look at it. Suddenly the front door opened and you heard someone run inside.

"Baby I'm so sorry" you didn't look up as you heard the footsteps come to you. "Baby?" Kurros voice rang with panic when he saw you bent over the toilet crying with your fingers down your throat. "Oh y/n" you felt his presence beside you and you hit him as he tried to get you away from the toilet. "Please y/n"

"Let me finish" you panicked and cried even more. "I'm sorry I'll try harder to get it out." Your hands went limp when you felt him lift you up and cradle you close to him.

"I'm sorry I'm so so sorry baby" Kurro held you close as guilt consumed him. He never meant to hurt you like this. "Please stop this you are fine the way you are."

"But in obviously not even you agreed" you cried on his chest and clenched your fist.

"I was just angry I didn't mean anything I said." He whispered. "I promise you are perfect how you are. You are beautiful and strong." He moved his hands through your hair and sighed loveingly. "I'm so sorry. Your are the smartest kindest and most beautiful person I have ever met and I don't know how you can think badly of yourself." He kisse your head and hugged him. "I'm sorry I was out of line and I'll never do it again. I love you to much and I don't expect you to forgive me easily but please know I didn't mean any of it my anger just got the best of me." He pleaded to you.

"Okay" you tried wiping off some of your tears but gave up. You laid your head on his chest and closed your eyes. You let the tears flow and listened to his comforting words until you fells asleep.

this is full of grammer and spelling mistakes but im not gonna worry about that unless this gets views. 

But anyways i just saw all these toxic headcanons or whatever on tiktok and i couldnt find any stories of them on wattpad or ao3. so i decided to write my own. 

i know this isnt good and I also havent finished haikyuu yet so I dont know all the characters that well yet. But if you want me to do a specific person Ill write or find a "headcannon" for them. 

also if some could explain what a headcannon is to me that would be great so I know if im using the term correctly. its called that on tiktok but i also saw comments saying that they arent headcannons so. 

but anyways point out mistakes and stuff to me so i know about them. and yeah thanks for reading or whatever. 

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