Noya-anger managment

155 4 7

TW: eating disorder habits

prompt/"headcannon" - Nishinoya will not hesitate to yell at you and use you to take his anger out on. from tiktok 


You sat by the counter in the kitchen chopping fruit for a snack. Noya was at practice and you were waiting for him to come over. Things had been going good the last four months of your relationship and you were loving it. The one thing that you can say is bad is when Noya gets angry. He likes to yell a lot for no reason and take things out on you in different ways.

It had been a few weeks since he had been that angry though so you decided to stay and try to not think about it. Your parents were out a lot for business and you felt lonely a lot of the time. No one knew this though, Noya thought your parents worked night shifts. Truth is they were in another country most of the time for weeks on end.

Your friends approved of you and Noya and encouraged it. Noya had even introduced you to his friend Tanaka, you would be meeting his team soon as well. It had you excited to finally have someone to be there for you.

The last strawberry was chopped and you put a few of each fruit in a small bowl. The rest was put away in your fridge and you sat to eat. Your phone went off and a message from nishinoya popped up.

'Hey babs I'm on my way so I'll like ten minutes'

'Okay' you responded and smiled.

After you answered you went to scroll through tiktok and kill time until your boyfriend arrived. The time flew by as you soon heard a knock on the door and you ran to open it. "Noya!" You exclaimed and hugged him. A smile spread on your face but soon fell as you didn't feel him hug back.

You looked up in question and immediately let go. "Tsk" he walked inside and looked in your fridge. "OMYGOD WHY THE FUCK DONT YOU HAVE ANY JUNK FOOD." He was obviously angry.

"Because I don't like it." You said and walked next to him. "There's fruit and whipped cream right there, along with some yogurts and cereal." You pointed.

"Yeah but there isn't anything good." He slammed the door shut and glared. "I don't know why you don't ask for something good. Lord knows your spoiled and get what you want." He scoffed and walked to the couch throwing his things on the ground. You noticed he had a lot more bruises then usual.

"Did something happen today." You asked, "Why are you so angry I did nothing wrong to you."

"WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM." He yelled and turned to face you. "I wasn't angry but why are you being such a fucking BITCH!" He walked closer to you and you cowered back a bit, due to him being an inch or two taller then you. "I was just fine before I came here to spend time with you when you CANT EVEN GET ANY FOOD." He had your shirt balled in his fist and you put your hands on him defensively.

"What are you talking about there's plenty to eat here." Your pried a few of his fingers off.

"I can obviously see that." He scoffed and chuckled. Your heart sank and you were surprised by that comment.

"W-w-what do you mean by that." You stuttered as your hold on his hands went limp. The feeling of your stomach falling to the floor somehow got worse and you were tearing up. Weight and self confidence was something you struggled a lot with.

"You know exactly what I'm saying" he pushed you back with little interest. Almost knocking your light frame into the door. But you just hit the counter instead. He hadn't been looking at you the whole time so he didn't know how much his comment had offended you.

"I-oh." The fight left your body and you felt like you needed to throw up. "I-I" you hiccuped and covered your mouth. "I-I'm sorry!" You said before turning ing to go to the bathroom. Tears were pouring down now and you walked away.

"Hey where are you going!" He yelled and he ran to you and spin you around. "Wh-" he stopped when he saw you bent over hugging your waist and wiping tears from your eyes. "Baby-" he sighed and leaned forward and hugged you.

"No-" you pushed away and put your hand over your mouth. "I'm gonna be sick" you ran to the toilet and fell on your knees. You dry heaved and tried to puke up the little bit of fruit you had. It worked and you felt a burning coming up. Nishinoya grabbed your hair and held it back.

"I'm sorry baby" he kissed the top of your head when you were done. He pulled you into his lap. "I didn't mean it." He rubbed circles on your shoulder. "I'm just angry from practice today."

"But it's true" you sobbed and shook. "I'm fat and I've tried so so hard to fix it. I thought I was fine now that I have you but I guess not," Noya's heart broke as he heard that.

Guilt filled his stomach and he hugged you right. "Baby your fine the way you are as I meant nothing I said. I just took my anger out on you and I was wrong." Noya kissed your head and your cheeks. Wiping away your last tears. "I love you with my everything and I appreciate every single part of you. Nothing is wrong with you and you have nothing to fix. You are anything but fat and you shouldn't try to fix anything."

this was shitty and made my heart hurt

the ending is like unfinished but I didn't know what to put. 


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2021 ⏰

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