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He waited all day to see her.

Her. She was a completely different species of the female gender altogether. Her cropped brunette hair and her polka dot underwear; she was definitely something. She was one of a kind.

She was his girl. Yes, that's what she was. He could see into her open window every night as he took out the trash. It was always slightly cracked open as if it were silently beckoning him in. He knew that she noticed him every night just as he her. Always sending him that bright smile as if to say hello.

The way she played her piano and her soft voice singing along to the music. How she put up ferry lights in mid-September and kept them on all year long. People looked at her as insane and he could often hear the shouting matches she had with her parents, but during those days he stared up at her as she yelled and destroyed her entire room. But then, then she would catch his eye and she would smile that million-dollar smile before turning around to clean herself up.

She was her own destruction, playing for keeps yet he couldn't help but find himself wanting to explode along with her because they were simply two ticking time bombs ready for the weight of the world to lead to their explosion into the starry nights they often found themselves staring at together. Just as they did tonight, talking about everything that happened to be on their minds.

He held her hand in his and played with her long elegant fingers that were made for creating magic.

"Do you believe in forever?" She asked quietly, interrupting the sounds of crickets chirping happily.

"Why do you ask?" He questioned, now leaning onto his elbow to face her.

"I don't know. I was just thinking, the stars you know, they're forever. In 3,000 years when we're dead they'll still be here, shining on the next people here after us."

He pondered on the thought for a while before responding. "Yeah, but stars aren't really forever. One day, they'll explode and the people here after us won't even know that there was once a star in that empty space in the night sky."

Her face fell. "So there really isn't a forever is there?" She mumbled dejectedly.

"I didn't say that."

She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"There are some things that will always be forever but they may not hold the same meaning to us as it does to someone else."

"Like?" She asked.

"Like, the night sky. It will always be there. To us, the night sky is a safe, an escape from reality. To other people it could mean something completely different. Emotions happen to be another example. Strong emotions, such as love, let's say, doesn't die, people, however, do."

She stayed quiet for some time. "Do you think we have a forever?" She whispered.

"I do." He didn't hesitate.

"What is our forever?"

"Like I said before, love doesn't die, people do." He whispered.

Her head on his chest, they laid together listening to the soft thumps of each other's heartbeats tattooing the promise of forever as the night grew on.

"I love you." He whispered to her as her eyes fluttered shut.

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