Chapter 3: Fever

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I'm so bored. A couple of days ago I came down with a fever which sucks. Though it didn't really bother me considering I have medicine stashed away in my bag however before I could use it the idiots found out. Now I'm stuck on bed rest while everyone is out doing stuff.

To make sure I don't exert myself, Kija and Zeno have been assigned to guard me. Jea-ha and Hak went off towards a town to get some supplies while Yun, Yona and Shin-ah are out foraging. Hak and Jae-ha should be back today which I'm not looking forward to, considering Hak's sharp tongue.

Right now, I'm just lying on the floor looking up at the tent ceiling. I wasn't allowed to go outside and if I tried Kija would just drag me back inside. I tried. I tried when Yun came in the other night with a bowl of medicine from herbs, he and Yona had gathered. I'd rather take the tablet that I have in my bag. At least they don't taste like vomit. So, like a normal person who hates the taste of medicine, I tried to escape. This ended up with me clinging to a tree as Zeno tried to pull me off before Kija easily dislodged me and dragged me back and when I say drag, I mean dragged. You can see the scuff marks in the soil before Kija opted to carrying me instead. Stupid Kija. It was then a torturous couple of minutes of Yun trying to get me to take the medicine. I don't do needles and I don't do liquid medicine. Simple as that. Also, spiders. I hate spiders. They're just so creepy with their spindly legs and beady eyes.

I sigh as I turn onto my side. Zeno is sitting inside the tent, a precaution in case I try to escape again. He's just mindlessly chatting to himself or Kija who's stationed outside. This leaves me in a situation where I am positively bored. There is only so much sleep someone can do before they slowly die of boredom. I do still have the books I was lending to Yun stashed in my bag. I jolted upright. I have a rubix cube in my bag. I can't believe I forgot about it.

I made a move to grab my bag that was left on the opposite side of the tent. Zeno saw me move and was about to protest when I held up my bag as laid back down. Stupid dragon nut jobs.

The contents of the bag were a mess. My phone and tablet were nestled amongst my old clothes. I was almost tempted to see if I got any service. Do I have any games on my phone that I could play, but then the battery would die! What was the battery at last before I turned the two off? I'd only just went camping and hadn't even used the two so I think the battery should still be high since I turned them off about two hours after I arrived. What was the point of having them on when there was no service and I was obviously in a foreign country!

The only things I could use here were my books and now that I've remembered, my rubix cube. I did have a notebook. Maybe I could write a diary about the idiocy of the Happy what-so-ever group and their dragon warrior abilities.

It is kind of scary though. If I am supposedly a dragon warrior like them does that mean I have a genetic defect or a dragon body part as well. I don't have a dragon arm, foot or eyes so that's good and Zeno looks normal so maybe they're wrong. Plus Zeno said that my dragon didn't give me a mission to protect the red dragon which is great because once I figure out how to get home I'm gone.

I found my rubix cube and pulled it out of my bag and laid back down. I was spinning the sections around mindlessly to try pass my boredom.

"What's that?" Zeno asked. I turned my head to see Zeno watching me fiddle with the rubix cube. I held it out in front of him.

"It's called a rubix cube. The aim is to get each side one colour respectively."

"Can Zeno try." I sighed and held the cube towards him. So much for passing my boredom. Zeno grabbed the cube and started spinning the squares around. His eyes were focused on the way the coloured cubes moved.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2021 ⏰

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