Unexpected Love Chapter 1. The Beginning

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Love? What is Love. Is it a blessing, Or a curse. My opinion, It's a curse.

I listened to the wind as it whistled into my ears. My eyes weary, and blurry from the tears building up.

My nightmare stood infront of me.

Who's fault? What caused the fire? Three innocent lives lost, Taken away from me.

Screaming, Burning, Crying, Trying to escape. The thoughts went through my pointless mind.

I raised my head to face my nightmare one more time.

There caved in, black, the front door wide opened. Stood the house

Where Sterling Ceick ( 21) , my babysitter, Sandra Cross ( 37) , My beloved mother, and my baby sister Katey ( 2) had suffered from fire burning them.

I closed my eyes, letting tears roll down my soft skin. Turning, I walked away from the bad memory.

I arrived at my foster home. Stepping up the stairs, Hearing my abusive foster dad, John yelling. My Foster Mom, screaming also. Only making her punishment worse.

I opened the door, and walked in to my temporary home. I had 8 more months to finish my junior year, then I'm off to a new home.

" Lorraine, Where have you been" John said with anger, He had a tone in his voice that scared anybody. He was about 6'3 and had a very built body.

I let the door shut gently. " I went to visit something" I stood infront of him. He had his fist tighten. " How many times do I have to tell you to stop going there" He said, with anger in his voice.

" I'm sorry, It want happen again" I swallowed the fear in my throat. My blood filled with fear, Knowing whats about to happen.

John pulled back his hand ready to strike my already abused face. I braced myself for it.

I closed my eyes waiting for the hit, that never came.

I opened my tightly shut eyes, My foster mom, Mary. She had taken the hit.

She stumbled but regain her self. She wiped the blood off her bruised lip, " Don't lay a finger on her, Or Haley" She grabbed my shaking hand, from behind.

I felt cared for, She had taken a hit for me. But, the fear came back when I heard Haley's name. She was there blood daughter.

I yanked my hand away, running down the hallway to her safe spot. Only I knew where it was.

I opened the door to my small dark bedroom. Kneeling on my floor. I pulled back my rug, and grabbed the cold handle.

I opened the secret door, " Please don't hurt me" Haley's soft voice said. You could hear the fear in her voice.

I grabbed her softly, " Sweetheart, Its Lorry. I'm not going hurt you " I kicked the secret door shut.

I crawled over to the wall , With her in my lap. She was shaking. " Haley, Did he hurt you" I asked her, rubbing my fingers through her long hair.

She stopped shaking, She sat up and looked at me. " Don't be mad" Little innocent tears strolled down her cheeks.

I wiped her tears away, " I'm not going to be mad, But I need to no so I can help you" I put on the best smile, that I could give.

She lifted her shirt up revealing a red mark, across her back.

I closed my eyes, Trying to be brave. I didn't want her to see me crying.

" Don't cry" Her soft baby voice said. I felt her soft hand, wipe the tears of my face.

The door came open, hitting the wall. " I'm not done with you" John said, and his left hand holding a belt.

Most likely the belt, he hit Haley with. Mary came running past him, Falling to the ground before us. She was shielding us from him.

" Don't John. Please , There just children" She cried out mercy. He looked down at her, " Children," He pointed at me. " She is no child" He spat out.

I looked at him, Holding Haley, safe and sound. She had her hands gripped around my neck. Her angel face, Buried into my chest.

" Just leave them alone" Mary called out , once again.

He broke eye contact and looked at her. " I will deal with you, later " He said to Mary. He slammed the door.

I heard his heavy footsteps go away.

Mary turned around, Showing me the scars, bruises, cuts on her arms and face. I knew there was a lot more.

" There's a women named, Jackie. She lives in the next town. About two hours away." She wiped her tears away, along with her blood. " I want you to go" She looked at me.

" I'm not leaving" I looked at her bloody face. She placed her hand on my leg. " You must, He will hurt you"

Im not leaving without Haley, She was the closes thing to me, That I loved. " I will not leave Haley" I looked down at Haley. She was still hiding.

Mary looked at me, With a peaceful face. " Take Her, Now Go" She stood up, Dusting her pants off.

I whispered to Haley, " I'm going to take you away from hear, Just me and you" I kissed her head.

She looked up, " What about momma" I looked back at Mary and glanced back down. " I'm going to.get you out, then I'll come back for Momma" I smiled at her.

Mary stepped closer, and Kissed her daughter on her head. " I love you , Haley. Be good For Lorraine." She placed her hand on my shoulder.

" Don't stop, I already told Jackie your coming. She is excepting you" She removed her hand.

I smiled, " I won't" I walked over to my bookshelf. I opened a book that was cut in the middle of the pages.

I grabbed the cash, I had saved.

I opened the door, Looking out to seek John. Mary placed her hand on my shoulder, " Let me go , First" She opened the door, Walking out.

I saw John pull her into the bedroom.

" Let's go, Haley." I walked to the front door. I pulled the door too, and Set out to find Jackie.

Unexpected Love , Chapter 1. The BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now