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It's her.
Standing right there twelve feet away is the most beautiful, cutest and prettiest human to ever exist. How have I not noticed that she lives right next to me?
The grin I'm currently sporting is so big, I'm sure I look like a serial killer. Fuck, I want to walk over there and hug the shit out of her. How is it possible for her to just stand there and look so innocent?
She's wearing leggings, her hair is tied back and she's wearing a way too big shirt... Wait, who's shirt is it? I fucking hope it's not a boyfriends. What if it is? Then... Then what, Trubland? What are you going to do? Kill him? She's not even yours, yet.
"Hi there what's your name?" Fuck that foice. As I look towards her, I see that she is now sitting on the ground with her legs beneath her mirroring my baby brother. And if it doesn't want me to have children I don't know what will.
"Wow" is all the kid gets out as he stares at her, you and me both buddy. Her face softens at him as he sucks on his thumb. I swear she looks at him as if he is her baby. And I really want to know how our babies would look and how we will raise them. Shit, I've got a problem on my hands.
" And this is Trub. " I'm smacked out of my daze, no literally, Damien slapped me on my back hard enough to leave a mark.
"Umm, hey. " I can't help but awkwardly wave as well. I probably look like a total dip shit.
"This is Luhan, Abi, Roelof and Lorinda." A woman, I assume is my mom's friend says as she waves. First to a dude who looks about my age, then my wife, Abi, another dude a few years younger and a girl who is at least ten years younger than me. I notice Abi, is the only ginger in the family, Roelof has a slightly darker skin tone and Lorinda is the only one who has blue instead of brown eyes. Abi and Luhan look like their mom, and the other two have tiny similarities.
Abi is still on the floor, now sticking her tongue out as Lee does the same. Fuck, it's cute.
" Stop staring. " Damien hisses in my ear,
" I'm not staring, I'm observing."
"Yeah, right. Observing the only person yet to greet us and who has Lee wrapped around her finger." She hasn't greeted us? Good, that means I'm not the only one who hasn't participated in greeting everyone.
"Okay we're heading out back, Abi will you see that Lee doesn't get hurt or break anything? " Miss Neighbor asks looking at Abi as if Abi will attack her if she takes Lee away.
" Yeah, okay. " she just gives her mom a brief look before returning to Lee. This girl is made to be a mom, like he's still just looking at her and sucking his thumb. Normally someone would be running after him trying to stop him from breaking something.
" Do you like cookies?" At first I'm confused, because its just the three of us left, but I realize she's asking Lee. Who of course widens his eyes at the word cookies. Abi gets up, picks Lee up as well and heads over to a cabinet, and pulls out a pack of mini chocolate chip cookies. Lee's favorite, well anything sugar is his favorite.
" So do you normally not greet people? Or am I just special? " I know it's a dick move, but I don't know how else to start a conversation.
"Umm, I don't like people. So don't go on feeling too special." She knows sarcasm. I repeat, she knows sarcasm!
" Boob! Boobies! " Fuck, Lee. Really? You had to ruin my moment with your boob obsession?
" No,no. No boob. Umm, sorry but does he have a bottle or something?" she asks a little panicked.
" Yeah, in the diaper bag." I head to the end of the kitchen island and get the bottle.
" He doesn't really like using his, bottle so you'll probably just have to give him to my mom." Nope, apparently Lee likes his bottle now. I am taking him drinking from it, without a tantrum as evidence.
Fuck, she can even hold a baby flawlessly while holding a bottle for them. And if your wondering, my nuts are about to fucking explode with how much they want her to be mine.
Not even ten minutes later Lee is asleep and Abi's holding him while he sleeps. She walks over to the living room and sits down on the couch, I obviously go and sit next to her. Not too close but close enough.
" So, do you want children? " In any other situation that wouldn't sound right.
" Some day. "
" Some day? You not sure or...? "
" No, I want to have children. I just don't want to plan having them,him or her. "
" So you want to just let is happen? You do know that you need to make a baby and it doesn't just happen, right?"
" Yes... I'm not stupid, I know that. I just, don't want to plan on when I'm going to have a baby, if I get pregnant it is what it is."
" I never said you were stupid-"
" You were implying that I am." Does she have a comeback for everything? Fighting with her is going to be fun.
" Do you have a boyfriend?" Smooth Trub, smooth.
" No, and never had one." Does that mean that she-
" A girlfriend then?"
" No, I don't do relationships. " That's going to be a problem, baby.
" Why not? "
" Because, I don't? " Why did it sound like a question?
" Did someone, hurt you?" Treading in dangerous waters, Trub.
" No. "
" Did you get played? " That mother fucker is going to die, who could hurt her?
" No I just don't play, so I don't get played. " Wow, wise too.
" So you've never been in a relationship?"
" Nope." She answers bored.
" But how would you know if you want to be in a relationship, if you've never been in one? "
This is none of your business. She does answer she just side eyes me and looks away.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2021 ⏰

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