Ch: 4

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When I got back home at 4:10 I forgot my dad left for work at this time.

"Crap!" I whispered when I saw him in the kitchen. I tip toed upstairs. I climbed in with my mom because I'm scared of my room.

"Gabe honey are you okay?" Mom said when I got in the bed,

"Our house is haunted, NO!" I said.

"Nothing has happened." Mom said.

"You don't know what I've seen."  I said.

The next morning, I was feeling sketchy street kid. Dressing in all black and messy hair through hood. I walked downstairs. I heard someone knock on the door to the hallway closet. I dipped and ran downstairs. Mom was in the kitchen cooking. I grabbed my bag and left cause I didn't want to spend another minute in the house. Ava and Jake were leaving their houses.

"I'm just gonna stand at the end of the sidewalk and wait till they make it over here." I said to myself. Ava saw me and ran right over.

"Halloween in two weeks are you excited?!" She asked.

"Halloween might not be my favorite holiday this year." I said.

"Is it the house?" Jake asked walking up to us.

"The creepiest thing happened last night..." I said and told them the story.

"Ooh." Ava started.

"Jeff is coming out and trying to kill you." Jake finished.

"Is that the name of the guy who lived in the house and went psycho?" I asked. Ava and Jake nodded.

"Yeah that was his name." Ava said. "You might want to know the whole story about your house, and before it was renovated."

"We'll tell you as we're walking." Jake said. They told me the whole story. And how the two houses played a part. As I said earlier, the house on the left three kids got murdered at a child's party. But before that, the party was crashed by twelve-year old's, Randy, Keith, and Troy. Randy and Jeff had a small conversation before getting into a fight which led to Jeff losing it and murdering the three of them. The house on the left. They had two daughters, Jane and Jessie. The night Jeff went wacko on his family he murdered the parents, and Jessie made it out of the house. Jeff burned the house down with Jane still inside, she is alive today and part of the CIA. Just wanting to get revenge for what Jeff did to her family.

"Crazy right?" Ava asked as we walked into the school parking lot.

"That's insane!" I yelled. "So, there is a murderer living in my basement!"

"I mean yeah there is but that doesn't necessarily mean he'll murder you." Jake said.

"He literally tried to kill me last night." I said. "If he tried once that means he'll try again.

"You can't read his mind." Ava said.

"But I know Serial Killer behavior." I said. "The slightest thing sets them off and they start a killing spree!"

"Jeff's limits are New Mexico." Jake said. "He will not leave the state. So, the only option is to move, and we know none of us can do that."

"The best thing that could happen is you could just ask him to leave and he will leave with no problem." Ava said.

"But we all know that's not gonna happen." I said as we walked into the school. Jake left to go to his locker which was in another hallway. I contemplated showing Brenda and Alex the video I filmed yesterday. I knew I was showing the video when they walked up.

"Come up with anymore lies today?" Alex asked.

"Well if you call this a lie." I said and took my phone out to show them the video. The looks on their faces were priceless. I zoomed into the face that popped up first.

"What do you call that?" I asked.

"I call that a member of your family." Alex said still not believing it.

"Try and think of one person that looks that." I said. Alex started laughing and started to say something and I stopped him,

"Is this supposed to be a joke when you say I look like that?" I asked.

"Actually no. I found out by a certain someone that you just found out why your house was renovated. And I know exactly who that is." He said. "But apparently you didn't, and you live in the house."

"So, you believe this?" I asked.


"But you didn't believe him the first time." Ava said.

"That's because it's ridiculous." Alex said. Ava nodded.

"And Gabriel was apparently running from him at midnight yesterday." Brenda said.

"Do you think we can catch him and turn him in?" I asked.

"I don't think so catching someone like him would take something more than just a simple trap." Ava said. I nodded.

"Then we're just the quadrant to do it." I said. Alex then said,

"No, way I don't want to be brought into this or at very least get killed." Ava and Brenda nodded.

"Yeah, it doesn't sound like the safest option." Ava said. "But Gabriel you can do what you want. But, if you get killed, it isn't our fault." She walked to her first class. Was looking for the murderer in my house really necessary? I asked myself.

"In case you were wondering. Looking for the murderer in your house is not necessary." Brenda said then walked away with Alex.

I walked home alone that day. My parents weren't home of course, but someone was home. When I walked in Jeff was raiding the fridge. Throwing stuff on the floor he didn't want and ran to the basement when he was finished without even acknowledging me. I grabbed a knife from the set and marched into the basement. I was scared because I've never held a knife on anyone especially a killer. I threw the knife while Jeff had his hand on the wall. It hit his hand in the middle. Without moving he made I 90 degree turn and threw his own knife. It wasn't high enough for me to duck or low enough for me to jump. It was aimed perfectly at my stomach area. The best thing I could do was run. That didn't work out well for me. It hit me square in the back and I think it hit my spine. Cause when I tried to stand up my legs couldn't function. I heard the front door open and Ava's voice. Mrs. Woods appeared and went to where I heard Ava's voice. She appeared at the top of the stairs. She took out her phone and called 911 and I heard my mom come through the door. She saw Ava on the phone.

"Hi sweetie." She said. But when she saw Ava was crying. "What's wrong."

"Gabriel!I told him not too!" Ava was out of control. Mom saw me at the bottom of the stairs. She ran down. The last sound I heard was the Police and my dad walking into the house.

JEFFREY (UNDER EXTREME CONSTRUCTION)Where stories live. Discover now