14. It's to Late

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I sat in Peter's bed room. The sky was dark and only thing that could be heard were the drums in the distance. Peter wasted no time. Today was the day that Munch was going to leave Neverland for good. My mind went back to yesterday and all that had occurred.

Flash back

"How come your not dead," Munch said.

"I'm his girl friend. That's why!" I yelled back.

"I can change that." He stepped closer.

"How the hell are you gonna-" I couldn't finish my sentence because my lips were covered my Munch's. He was kissing me! That's it. I thought. Then my fist covered his face.

Munch was laying on the ground unconscious. Peter flew into view.

"What happened?" Peter asked. You could see concern and anger in his eyes.

"Munch just kissed me!" I said in surprise, "He confessed his feeling and then kissed me." I wiped off my mouth and spat on the ground, trying to get his germs off of me. I looked over to Peter. His eyes went wide and he was breathing heavily. Peter's fists were clenched together. He almost looked like he was going to scream.

"That's it!" He yelled. Peter walked over to Munch and picked is unconscious body off the round by the collar then flew off. I was alone. What will Peter do? I thought, It wasn't that bad. I know that he and are "together", but still. Munch shouldn't have done that. I just hope Peter doesn't go over board.

I walked back to camp with thoughts running through my head. As I entered the clearing, the Lost Boys were running around. Some were talking to each other, but only for brief moments, then they ran off in different directions. Felix was leaning against a tree.

"What's going on around here?" I asked him.

"Don't you know?" He said smirking. "You little cheater, Pan's gone mad. He flew back into camp with Munch and locked him in the cage. After that he went back into is hut and called me in. He gave the order to get the drums ready."

I was confused. "What does that mean? What are the drums for?"

"You might not want to know." Felix chuckled.

"Please tell me. What is Peter planing?"

Felix stood up straight and started to walk away. "Let's just say that you might want to say your last good byes to Munch." And with that Felix was gone.

What does he mean? Say my last good byes? Then it hit me. Peter is going to kill Munch! I can't let that happen! Maybe if I go and speak to Peter I can reason with him.

I walked over to Peter's hut and climbed the latter. I knocked on the door, hoping for answer, but there was none. I giggled the door handle, but it was locked.

"Peter! I know you're in there! Unlock the door!" I shouted. Nothing. I got an idea. I took out my pocket knife and cut the vines that held the door together and slowly I made it possible to open the door backward. Good job! I entered the living room. No one was there. I continued into the bedroom. I poked my head in making sure Peter was decent, but he wasn't there either. I put my hand on my hips looking around the empty room. "Where could he be?" I said aloud. I walked toward the balcony just off of Peter's room. I looked at the forest view and leaned against the railing. Peter really does have a nice hut and I have a hovel. Suddenly, I felt hands around my waist. I jumped and yipped. I turned around, it was Peter.

"There you are," I backed away so that I could see his face clearly. "What's going on with Munch? I know he kissed me and stuff, but I hit him so hard that he got knocked out. Don't you think that is punishment enough?" His eyebrows were down. No expression on his face.

"No," He said in a monotone voice, "He broke the most important rule. And for that he must die."

"What rule did he break?"

"Never touch what is mine." Peter turned toward the door and walked away. I tried to follow him, but he locked the door behind him.

"Peter! Please unlock the door! You don't have to do this! You can stop all of this." I screamed while banging on the door. "Please! Can't we talk about this?"

"It's to late for that now." That was the last thing I heard him say before I heard the front door slam. My knees went week and I fell to the floor. I know that he kissed me, but he doesn't deserve to die for it. He's my friend. I started to cry and I stayed like that until the sky changed color and the drums started to beat.

End Flashback

I sat in the room and listened to the drums. They got faster and faster in pace. Then, suddenly, they stopped. I knew what that meant. Munch was gone. Never to return. I hugged my knees and sat in silence. I'm sorry I couldn't save you Munch. I so sorry.

The door to the bedroom opened and Peter stood before me. I looked at him with tears in my eyes.

"You murder!" I screamed at him, "How could you?" I tried to run out of the room, but Peter caught me. He opened his mouth as if was going to talk, but ignored him. "Let me go!" I squirmed and hit him. "Get your hands off of me!" Peter grabbed both of wrists and looked me straight in the eyes.

"Calm down and listen to me," He commanded. There was no use in fighting him, so I did as I was told.

"What do you want from me?"

"I want you to listen to what I have to say." I crossed my arms and looked at him with disgust. Peter took a deep breath in. "I didn't kill Munch." My eyes went wide. He's still alive?


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