Chapter 11: Battles and Reunions

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   No Ones POV

    "Kion we have been walking for hours and found nothing, can we just head back to the Pridelands now?" Kiara moaned as Kion rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"You know, when your queen your gonna be dealing with tons more walking then this" Kion told Kiara as she grunted in defeat, "Can we atleast take a break?" Kiara asked while Kion breathed in and out trying to keep his cool, "Fine, as long as you stop complaining." Kion said while Kiara went and rested under a tree.

As Kiara rested, Kion laid himself down and his head on his paws, but stayed awake in case of danger. After a few minutes Kion heard something coming from where a big boulder was. As he just thought it was a bunny or gazelle, he soon heard big and slow steps being taken behind the rock.

Kion got up slowly and silently, he quietly walked towards the boulder. As he was doing that, Kiara was waking up from her nap and saw Kion moving towards the boulder. Just as he reached it and was about to look to the side of it, Kiara in confusion asked: "Kion, what are you doing?"

Right when Kiara asked that, Kion turned around to look at Kiara, startled by her suddenly waking up. Right before he could say anything though, a grown, black maned lion jumped from behind the boulder and pinned Kion to the ground. Kiara screamed in shock at seeing Kion get pinned and tried running until two brown lionesses pinned her down and prevented her from running away.

Kion fought back and threw the lion off of him and hit in the face with his claw. The black maned lion growled in pain until looking back at Kion and jumping on him again, digging his sharp claws into Kion's fur and passing into his skin. Kion roared in pain at this, but still managed to kick the lion off, and just as Kion was about to strike the lion in the neck with his claws, he heard a lioness scream in shock.

Thinking it was Kiara, he turned around really quick, but instead he was saw coming from behind the tree Kiara was at, he saw a different lioness. A lioness he knew and recognized, she had beautiful brown fur and chocolate brown eyes. Kion stopped fighting and put his paw down slowly.

"R-Rani?" Kion asked in shock at seeing the lioness he had longed to see for so long. The lioness stared and examine Kion, looking at his full red mane, yellow fur, and glowing red eyes. After a while the lioness took a step forward and after a brief moment of silence, she finally had spoken the name "Kion..?"

That morning

"Lionesses, King Sahasi has ordered we go out of the lands territory to hunt for food and explore the outer area." Wivu, the leader of the Tree of Life's guard, told them as they all nodded except for Rani who was questioning in her mind.

"Why are we exploring the outer area? I thought they were claimed or taken for a kingdom." Rani had said while Wivu looked her with a glare. "From what you have been told, I'm sure you'd think that, but for the past few weeks we have been examining a piece of land that goes from the Northern border, to the water dam that is a few miles from here, King Sahasi has ordered us to pass the dam and see how much farther it goes." Wivu explained as Rani still questioned, but didn't wanna seem like a nuisance so she agreed.

"Well you aren't going alone." Said a male voice that came from behind them. It was Jogo, Rani's betrothed. "King Sahasi has asked me to go and make sure Rani didn't get into any trouble." Jogo said while sitting beside her with his fur touching Rani's. It made Rani very uncomfortable but she didn't go against it and didn't wanna make a scene.

"Okay, if King Sahasi ordered you to, then keep up, and also, remember who is leading this group Jogo. This isn't your lands just yet." Wivu told Jogo as he just rolled his eyes with a grin on his face. "Move out!" Wivu ordered as she, the guard, and Jogo started following her.

That afternoon/Rani's POV

We had all finally stopped for a break after reaching a long ways from the dam. While the lionesses were all resting, Wivu and Jogo were guarding and making sure nothing was in the area. I was tired and we hadn't gotten a drink yet so I was hoping a watering hole would be around.

"Jogo and Wivu, i'm gonna go look for a watering-" before I could even finish my sentence, Wivu turned around and snapped at me, "No! You will stay here where it's safe your highness." Wivu said as turning back and beginning to walk away, but I couldn't just let her walk away like that.

"Wivu the guard is thirsty! Look at them!" I yelled so she could hear me and Wivu looked at me with a glare then the guard and the back at me. "We are fine! We can find one later." Wivu told me as I tried to argue back but I just stayed silent as I didn't want to argue.

When I laid down, I saw Jogo run back to where we were and told Wivu something. Whatever it is he told her, she looked serious and angry, "Everyone, get up!" Wivu ordered as we all got up and she explained what was happening. "Jogo spotted a lion and a lioness resting up ahead by a tree" Wivu explained. As I stretched and asked Jogo what are we going to do, he looked back at me and laughed.

"We? You mean me and the guard are gonna go up ahead, and make sure it's safe. You, are gonna stay here and wait till we're done, got it?" Jogo explained to me as if I was an idiot. I was tired and had enough. "What?! I'm a part of this guard and i'm going to help!" I yelled back but Jogo got mad at me saying this growled which made me lower a bit.

"You might be a part of the guard but you are still the princess and future queen! You will stay here! If your dad was to find out that you had gotten hurt because of me, he would kill me!" Jogo yelled at me while I was all the way on the ground, cowering, looking up at him like I was his scared little cub. I simply nodded and said okay in defeat as Jogo smiled, "good, now stay!" He ordered me as I laid on the ground.

I was angry, I shouldn't let him control me like this, I have more power then him and i'm strong! I need to stop acting like a coward and stand up for myself! Though I might have more power, he is stronger and could easily take me down, and I hate to make a scene.

As I was thinking all of this of how and when I would stand up to Jogo, I heard a girl scream and a male roar, I hated sitting here like a cub so I got up and ran towards the noise. As I ran towards it, I heard Jogo's growl which I was sadly all-to familiar with, I ran from behind the tree to Jogo being attacked by a handsome, male, red maned lion. He had his paw in the air ready to strike Jogo, and I was in so much shock I had screamed on accident and everyone looked at me, especially the lion. He had stared at me for a while until his eyes suddenly widened.

He got up and off of Jogo and looked at me. Everyone was confused why he was staring and it looked like examining me, even I was confused. The lion walked closer towards me until name.

"R-Rani?" I was trying to figure out how he knew my name until I examined him! The red mane, glowing red eyes, yellow fur! It was Kion, I was so surprised at this realization, I took a step forward and muttered the words "Kion..?"

Authors Note: I got not one but two chapters out today and probably cause my school got cancelled cause of snow :D

I'm really happy about this one cause like, I finally got to the reunion part and ALSO I have 5K reads on this story and oh my good I can't believe it lol

I might be a little late to recognize that but it is really exciting! Thank you for reading and following the story so far!

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