Untitled Part 1

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"I can't believe I let you talk me into this."

The duo were standing on the roof of one of the electronic billboards in Olympus. The billboard flashed a never-ending cycle of advertisements for Silva Pharmaceuticals.

"C'mon, Che. It's just like when we were kids. Doesn't this bring back old memories?" Octavio turned his face up to look at her. He was currently fiddling with the technology panel on the billboard, causing it to flicker between the Silva Pharmaceuticals advertisements and videos of him performing several daredevil stunts.

"Well, if I remember it correctly, your father wasn't too happy with ya when you did this the last time."

"What else is new?" Octavio mumbled under his breath as he wiped his hands on his shorts as he stood up. "C'mon, Che. You should live a little. Break a few rules."

"I just don't want anyone to get hurt," Ajay quietly murmured.

"C'mon, hermana. It's a billboard. Besides, aren't you tired of always worrying about other people? You could have this life again if you wanted..."

"But I don't," Ajay snapped at him. "Ya just lucky we didn't see your dad tonight."

Octavio ignored the comment but he stared at her through his goggles.

"It was bad enough seeing my parents," Ajay continued. "Seeing them still consortin' with warlords..." Her last words were full of venom and hatred as she practically spit them from her mouth.

"Ay, you remember when we..." Octavio started, trying to change the subject. He was always uncomfortable talking about the relationship between Ajay and her parents, especially since he and his father had a nonexistent relationship. Octane had liked Lifeline's parents when they were growing up, however, at seventeen, that all changed. Ajay found out what her parents really did to acquire their wealth and she had lost all respect for them. They agreed to fund her efforts to negate the effects of their actions, if she stayed away from them. Octavio saw how that crushed Ajay, but she never really wanted to discuss her feelings about them.

"O., I'm tired. It's been a long night....and I'm cold." Ajay wasn't in the mood for reminiscing. She was tired and although she didn't expect much from her parents, she still didn't like the way the event had gone that night. It was going to be hard for her to come to terms with the fact that her parents were willing to let her be killed by a terrorist.

"Here," Octavio said, taking off his jacket and tossing it to Ajay.

"Thanks," Ajay said, catching the jacket and putting it on while Octavio straightened his goggles and mask. "Why do you wear the goggles and mask even out of the games? You know we've all seen your face." Ajay tilted her head, a slight frown on her face, as she waited for his answer.

"It's part of the image, chica. It's mysterious."

Ajay raised one eyebrow in response.

"What? It is mysterious. It's me."

"I don't always want Octane, though. Sometimes I just want Octavio," she said quietly. Ajay wrapped the jacket tighter around her as a tear dropped from her eye.

"Hey," Octavio said, moving to comfort her. "What's wrong? I'll take them off."

Octavio removed his goggles and mask. "See, Che, they're gone." Octavio's voice was full of concern.

Ajay placed her hand on his cheek, bringing her forehead to his.

"I just need Octavio right now." Ajay's voice was barely above a whisper. Several more tears fell from her eyes.

"Is it about what happened tonight?" Octavio said as he draped both arms around Ajay's neck, staring into her face.

"Just when I thought they couldn't still any lower, they prove they can." Ajay wiped the tears from her cheeks. "I don't need them anyway."

Octavio kissed her in the middle of her forehead.

"You're right hermana. It's just me and you. C'mon, let's get outta here." 

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