Chapter 1

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A/N:Karl said he is fine with fanfiction just NO smut. I don't write smut either way. Plus I know he's said on Twitter he's on the Asexual Spectrum but idk bout Beast. Love ya chicken Nuggets❤️. Please look at my Twitch @ nuggetturtle.
Karl's POV:

When I joined the Mr.Beast team I always had weird feelings for Jimmy. Like, I would always want to be close to and constantly hang out with him - I did come out as gay to the team and they all accepted it but when I turned to Jimmy that day my eyes saw a glint of something in his eyes. Hope? Happiness? Joy maybe? Can't be, he's straighter than a ruler. Isn't he? Not much thought was put into that thought so I kind of forgot about it but time to time it would jump into my mind but being me I just pushed it away ; into the back of my mind. Nowadays, all I can do is fantasise about him and never tell him. Sad isn't it? Reality fucking sucks big time I guess.

To present time

Jimmy's POV:

Today we had to film a video in the warehouse. We were doing a last to leave swimming pool. The pool was 2 1/2 feet deep so our contestants wouldn't go under water and possibly drown. That wouldn't be good content would it?
I was mainly excited to see a peculiar fluffy haired boy. Karl. Over the last few months when Karl came out as gay I was questioning if I liked him. When Karl announced his sexuality I felt glad for some reason. So I decided to let my feelings for this boy grow and grow and grow until it hit me that I did have feelings for this boy. Would he ever love me back? Doubt it yet again it could happen even though I'm a closeted Pansexual.

At the warehouse

Karl's POV:

I had arrived at the studio the same time as Garret and Chris. We all entered the building to the video set up; pool, cameras, lights, crew members talking to their contestants and all that stuff. Over in the corner of the room was Jimmy staring at his laptop and running a hand through his soft, silky, surprisingly untamed hair. He looked as if he were in stress so I walked over to him slowly.
"Hey Jim bean, is everything okay here?"
I asked when I approached him, "You look kind of stressed."
Jumping from his seat, nearly breaking his Laptop he sat up in his chair with a shocked expression. When he saw me he untensed his posture and replied with,
"Yes Karl, everything is okay. I just need to find an editor for this video as our one broke his arm yesterday and just told me."
I'm quite good with videography and editing so I could possibly do it for him.
"I'm quite good at editing, can I give editing this video a shot maybe?" I asked with caution.
"Uhhhh, s-"
"GUYS! WE NEED TO START FILMING NOW! HURRY UP WITH WHATEVER YOU'RE DOING!" Chris bellowed through a megaphone. Damaging everyone's eardrums profusely. With a panicked look Jimmy sprung up with his laptop and took off towards the set in the middle of the room.
When what was happening finally processed I immediately darted over to my contestant called Ellie.
"Hey, are you all ready for this. Do you need anything else before we start Ellie?" I managed to say whilst catching my breath.
"No thank you Karl - I'm all set for this challenge." the red head answered in a sweet voice.
Soon enough, the challenge started and Jimmy started his intro.
"This is Ellie and her coach is Karl, this is Sanders and his coach is Chris, this is Alan and his coach is Chandler and this is Harry and I'm his coach. So, CONTESTANTS, PLEASE STEP INTO THE POOL!"
A few hours into this challenge and we were all getting hungry, Jimmy went around and asked what everyone would do with the $60,000 they could win. Me and Chris went on a run to a Domino's place to get everyone some pizza. Whilst waiting for our food, Chris - out of the blue - asked,
"Hey, do you like Jimmy by any chance?"
I knew I can't lie to one of my best friends so I replied truthfully,
"Actually yes, I've had feeling for him for quite some time but I'm more than sure he's straighter than a pencil. Please don't tell him or anyone else for this matter Chrisy."
"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone but I don't make and guarantees I won't try and get you two together."
"Christopher Robin! Don't! For the love of Christ please don't even try."
"No can do Karlo, I promised I won't tell him. I didn't say anything about subtle hints~"
"Ugh, fine. Just do not and I repeat do not do anything rash."
"Yes sure Karl. I won't do too much."
Just at that time our food was handed to us do we payed and left back to our challenge. When we got back Jimmy was eyeing me suspiciously as we entered. After 4 hours No one had left. So we knew he would be making It a lot harder for the four people. Jimmy said into the camera,
"As you can see. In the 4 hours we've had this challenge nobody has left. Leaving me with no other choice but to make things harder for them. LAST PERSON TO FALL OF THEIR FLOATY WINS $1000 AND THE LOSER HAS TO SWIM 10 LAP AROUND THE POOL!"
We all chose a floaty and gave it to our contestant. This pool was very big so swimming even 1 lap would be hard.
In the end, Sanders won $1000 and Harry had to swim the laps. When he was done, he gave up and stepped out so he and Jimmy lost. 6 hours later Sanders got out so he and Chris lost. It was only Alan and Ellie left in this challenge. 3 hours later Alan stepped out so me and Ellie won this challenge! We were congratulated, wrapped up the video, took everyone home and left to go home to sleep. Today was a truly fantastic day, I soon fell asleep to dreamless slumber.

1059 words!

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