Chapter 42

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~Major Time Skip~ (Slight Manga Spoiler)

Hinata is 25, Oikawa is 27. Natsu is around 18.

~Hinatas POV~
Toru and I decided to move into a bigger house. Natsu wanted to live by herself so we gave her the old house. (Toru's mom said it was okay)

We moved into a nicer neighborhood and we're engaged. We're moving into the house today. Toru is carrying the bigger boxes. Today is one of the rare days where we're off. So we're finally moving in. It's going to take a while to set in, but we have time. 

"Baby! Could you help me with these boxes?!" I heard him yell. "Yea!" I went over to where he was and helped him carry the boxes. "Oh, this one's light." I said picking up the box. "It should be, it has our mailboxes and letters in it." Toru said. "Really? We haven't used them in so long." I said, placing the box in the living room. "Yea, our letters are in seperate boxes, so we don't get mixed up." He said putting a box down. "Wow, it's been so long." I said taking them out. 

"The colors a bit faded but it's still there." He said looking at the faded yellow and pink mailboxes. "Yea, we should place them over there, with a shelf." I said pointing to a wall in the living room. He smiled, "Yea. It'll be nice looking at them." He said before going to get more boxes.

I can't believe it's been 10 years. I haven't seen dad since he kicked me out. But I'm glad he did, if he didn't, I wouldn't have found Toru. Natsu is happier too. She plays volleyball too. She's in one of the best schools for volleyball. 

Toru walked back in with more boxes. "You alright love?" He said looking at me. "Hm? Yea, perfect." I said smiling. "You sure?" He asked placing the boxes down and walked over. "Yes, baby, just looking back on those 10 years." I said hugging him, "I'm so happy I found you." "Me too Hinata." He paused for a sec, "Or should I say soon-to-be Oikawa?" He asked looking at me, I laughed a little, "Soon-to-be" I said looking at my ring. It was beautiful. Others might say it was boring, but to me it's everything, it was silver with a diamond in the middle. 

"You know, I was so shocked when you proposed." I told him, we were standing in the middle of our new home holding each other. "Really? I thought it was obvious I was propose soon." He said laughing. 

~The day he proposed~

~Oikawas POV~
I'm finally going to ask him. After 10 years of being together, I know I should've proposed earlier, but we were so busy, I didn't get the chance to. I've been a mess these past few days, hopefully he didn't notice.

I'm taking him out to dinner. I'm wearing a black tuxedo with a teal tie. Shoyo was also wearing a black tuxedo but with a orange tie. 

"You look wonderful~" I said, his hair was still fluffy but he had it more in control. Mine was swept to the side with gel. "Not so bad yourself~" He responded. "Where are you taking me?" He asked stepping into my car. "It's a surprise~" I told him sitting down.

I put on a song from our first date. 

"Watashi wa watashi anata wa anata to   (I am only me, you are only you)
Yuube iwareta sonna ki mo suru wa"        (I said that last night and still feel the same way)

I heard him gasp. "You remembered." He said smiling, "Of course, how could I forget~ We played it on our first official date." He smiled, "Yea, the day when you asked me you be your boyfriend." We both smiled and sang along. I want this song playing at our wedding.

"Stay with me...
Mayonaka no door wo tataki     (Knocking on midnight's door, begging you not to go home)
Kokoro ni ana ga aita ano kisetsu ga ima me no mae" (That season when I cried right in front of your eyes)

We finally got to the restaurant, and I help Shoyo get out. "My Prince~" I held out my hand for him to take. He blushed and took it, "You still blush after so long." I said, "I mean yea, you do the same things that make my heart go 'gwah'" He said blushing, "And it's what you did on our first date." True. 

We walked in, and a waitress came up to us, "Hello, welcome to r/n (restaurant name), how may I help you?" She said. "Uh, reservations for Oikawa." I said, she looked in the book thing and smiled, "Alright, come this way." She took us to the table and we sat down in front of each other. "Just put your hand up when you're ready to order." She said handing us the menus.

We looked at the menus and I picked what I wanted. "See anything you like?" I asked him, "Yea, can I pay this time?" "Nope." He shook his head playfully. I haven't let him pay for our dates for 10 years straight. 

We ordered and got our food. It's almost time! I'm so nervous! Okay. Here goes nothing. I cleared my throat and started to talk.

"Shoyo, you have no idea how much you've helped me throughout the year. I am so glad to know you are my soulmate. I know you had your doubts with the soulmate system but I'm glad you gave me a chance. When I first saw you in Miyagi, I couldn't stop thinking about how cute your smile was. You don't know how happy I was when I found out you were my soulmate." 

I slowly got down on one knee and heard people cheering and gasping and phone shutters.

"So Hinata Shoyo? Would you marry me and become mine for the rest of our lives?" I held the ring up. I saw him crying and nod his head, "Yes! Of course!" He hugged me. The cheering got louder and I saw multiple flashes. I pulled away from the hug and put the ring on his finger and kissed him.

~End of Flashback~

~Hinatas POV~
"Everyone was recording and I was crying so much." I said. I heard him chuckled, 

"Well, now you're mine~" He said kissing me. "All yours." I whispered back after.


Another chapter! 

Today's been boring and I should be studying, but I don't like studying. So I wrote another chapter instead. 

I'm also putting ideas together for the KuroHina story! It's another AU, but with Angels and Devils.

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