Chapter 15

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In the morning I woke up to the sound of a baby crying. I am so stiff and sore.

Sleeping upright in a chair is never comfortable, but during pregnancy it's agony. I don't know if

it's just that I'm tired from taking care of all the little ones, but this pregnancy feels harder than

my first one. I am hoping that I'm not pregnant with more babies than last time, because I don't

know if I can handle five (or heaven forbid more than five) new babies. I shake myself out of my

daze and stand up to see which baby has woken up. It doesn't take long at all to figure out that

Alia needs a diaper change. I scoop her up and change her diaper. Then I realize that she's

probably about ready to eat, so I take her back to the rocking chair. I sit and relax holding, and

feeding my sweet baby. She might be a lot of trouble, but I sure do love her. It's not often I get a

chance to just hold one of my babies without being needed by someone else. Just sitting there

with her I notice how different she is from her sisters. She has a sweet little dimple on the left

side of her mouth, and her hair is a couple shades lighter brown than any of the others. My quiet

moment didn't last long though. Soon, I heard a whimper from one of the cradles, and since Alia

had fallen asleep, I carefully laid her back down in her bed and gently picked up Margretta. Even

though she is nearly two months younger than my sweet babies she is nearly the same size. I

adore all these little ones. Margretta looks so much like her sweet mother, more so than any of

her sisters. All three babies have their mother's blonde hair, but Margretta also has her mother's

beautiful smile. Rosalie is still sleeping, and since I'm already awake I'm happy to take care of

her little ones. She deserves the rest after everything that happened yesterday, and I know that

she would do the same for me.

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