Haha... no.
You will find, ladies, gentlemen, and everyone in between, that there is nothing innocent in this book. Insert #mature insert #likereallymature insert #somaturethatitwillmake50shadesofgraylooklikeflufmature insert #somaturethatifyouaren...
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That's right. I'M BACK BITCHESSSS.
Warnings, right. To avoid last time's mishaps regarding my deleted book (Erotica Shots 18+) I have come back with more caution and a crap ton of warnings. With each chapter that I deem is too explicit for anyone below 14 (which is like, every chapter so get used to it) I will be marking them with warnings at the start. I debated whether I would state at the start of each chapter what would happen within, but that would ruin the fun wouldn't it?
Anyone at any age who wishes to keep their innocence and mind's virginity intact are welcome to leave and never look back. Do not blame me for tainting your imagination with mine as they came with a packaged warning and a caution tag.
To anyone who is willing to be truly wet and naughty, I welcome you.
Without further ado, let me show you my heart's deepest and nastiest desires.