meal/snack/drink ideas

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salad- just have a simple salad like lettuce tomato and sauce but NOT ALOT it adds so many cals like more than the meal itself lol
Wrap- get small healthy ones and fill them with lettuce tomato and a sauce but yk not a lot lol
Veggies- you could bake some veggies (not potatoes) and add a little bit of seasoning and they're good as hell or you can broil I think it called that haha but anyways you can broil some broccoli or cauliflower and put a little bit of pepper (I don't like spicy stuff so this stuff is pretty bland lmao) I think you put oil on it too but just use like grape seed or avocado oil or something like that or like olive oil idk just anything but canola oil
Smoothies- THEYRE SO GOOD you can make so many different ones and most are pretty low cal depending what you put in them. Also very filling in my opinion
Oatmeal- SUPER FILLING I'm not exactly sure how many calories I don't think it's super low but it's not as bad as like sugary cereals and stuff and it leaves you feeling better after anyways

TIP: GO VEGETARIAN, U DONT EAT AS MANY NON LEAN MEATS WHICH ARE SOOOO BAD FOR YOU! if you want even higher restriction go vegan or something but I prefer vegetarian cus I have been for a long time and I can say I'm eating granola bars that aren't vegan.

I don't rly have many more meal ideas haha sorry


rice cakes- I like the lightly salted ones but lots of people hate them just don't get the chocolate ones they're nasty
Frozen fruit- good alternative to popsicles cus there's no added sugar or weird stuff and it honestly better in my opinion, also super good with some almond milk on it lol kinda weird but it's good
Rice rolls- I get them from Costco they're really good and 50 cals a pack
fruit- literally any fruit besides bananas are so low cal I love blueberries they're less than 1 cal each
Veggies- I know celery is really good but I hate it haha but other veggies are low cal CUCUMBERS
Skinny pop or smart pop- literally like 40 cals a cup so good and healthy I love it
Fiber one brownies- super good only 70 cals
Water- drink water before you eat. You might just be thirsty
Ice cubes- my water is kinda nasty so my ice cubes aren't that great but like crushed ice SLAPS and u feel like you're eating something especially if you're about to bored eat just have some ice :)
Pickles- I'm not sure how some have 0 cals cus they're literally a cucumber which has barely any cals but still some so idk? But pickles are very low cal and if you're craving salty food you should have one

There are also some whipped creams that are pretty
low cal that you could have with some fruit to fulfill a sweet craving maybe?


bubbly- if you like sparkling water get this it's so good and it's 0 cals
Sugar free lemonade- my mom thinks it's acidic but I think it tastes the same just not super sugary. It's rly good if you're craving lemonade it's 0 cals
Sugar free ginger ale- fulfills a craving that pop would it's 0 cals AND caffeine free
Water- water is so good in my opinion it's like refreshing when it's cold and gives me energy and makes me feel full somehow 0 cals obviously haha
Almond milk- way lower cal than normal milk but it tastes nothing like it. I don't like drinking my calories and I don't like milk very much but if you need something to put in coffee or smoothies then u should use this:) I think it 30 cals in 8 oz?
Green tea- rly good in my opinion and it supposedly quickens ur metabolism and it's 0 cal usually

I think that's all I have for now let me know what else you want to see or leave suggestion of what low cal foods you like :)

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