2,421 days

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Tomorrow wasn't any better. And neither were the days following. Lyra had readied herself the morning after the sorting to receive an angry letter from her parents, and to her surprise there was nothing. For all the days that have passed, she still hasn't received anything. Draco's owl comes in with a delivery every couple of days, but hers hasn't come at all.

(Lyra named her owl Ophelia. Hermione loaned her one of her muggle books, a play called Hamlet that she says is very old. Lyra felt drawn to the character, but has a feeling there were things she wasn't understanding about it. She keeps forgetting to ask Hermione to explain it more to her. The cat however, still has no name.)

Lyra is sure to visit Ophelia however, walking to the owlery whenever she has the time, which is really just any time she doesn't have classes or homework. She still hasn't been able to make any friends, save for Hermione. But the two don't really hang out, they just sit with each other in classes on occasion. Lyra still eats alone.

She's walking down from giving Ophelia some treats when she decides to take a new route into the school through the courtyard. She passes by groups of older students who seem to scan her with their eyes, and she's nearly made it inside when she gets stopped.

"There she is. Finally come out of hiding have you? Thought you'd still be too ashamed to show your face." Draco says from behind her. The rest of the students seem to fall into a hush, and Lyra turns around.

"What do you want Draco?"

"Never thought my own sister would be a filthy little blood traitor. Don't think I haven't seen you walking around with that little mud blood friend of yours. What's next? Gonna shack up with one of the Weasley's? Their parents breed like rabbits, so you've got about 50 to choose from." His little group all laughs.

Against her better judgement, she pulls out her wand and points it at her brother. "Watch your mouth Draco. You take back what you said about my friends."

"Or what? I'm not scared of you. Timid little Lyra. Can't even kill a bug, has to let them outside. You wouldn't dare." He sneers, as she tightens her grip on her wand. "And friends? Please. You're so pathetic, even they won't be friends with you. Bottom of the barrel and somehow you're still lower."

She flicks her wand with no regard to the outcome, and Draco's robes catch fire.

"AH! Put me out! LYRA! I SAID PUT ME OUT!"

She steels herself, trying to hide the panic creeping up in her chest. "I don't know how. Ask one of the older students to do it for you." She turns on her heel and beelines for the common room, taking a seat at a table in the corner and places her head in her hands.

Not long after, the portrait opens, and Harry and Ron step through. To her surprise, they walk up and sit at the table across from her. She straightens up, shocked.

"Hello." Harry says.

"Hi." They continue to sit there and stare at her.

"Can I help you?"

"We saw what you did to Malfoy in the courtyard just then."


"It was bloody brilliant!" Exclaims Ron. "I wanted to say thanks."

"For what?"

"Well, he's been running around sayin some real bad things about my family to just about anyone who'll listen. Has it out for us for some reason. So I wanted to say thanks, for stickin it to him."

"Oh! Well, you're welcome. Like I told you before. He's a git. And clearly he's already run off and told our parents about the sorting, so how much worse can it get from here?"

They all smile sheepishly at each other.

"Wait." Harry says. "Is that a problem?"

"Is what a problem?"

"I mean, everyone calls him Malfoy. But I guess you're one too. Is that, I don't know. Is that weird?"

She thinks for a moment. "No. No I don't think so. I'd rather be just Lyra anyways."

"Wicked. I wish I could be just Ron sometimes. I'm always just the younger brother of whichever brother of mine they're talking about." Lyra nods to him, understanding the feeling of having an older brother regarded by others higher than yourself.

"Well, Just Lyra." Harry stands. "We were about to get dinner, if you'd like to come?"

"Sure! Yeah I'd love to."

They walk side by side into the Great Hall and she sees Draco give her a look that could kill, Pansy beside him looking like she's plotting Lyra's murder. Next to them is Theodore, who barely glances at her before turning back to Blaise. She ignores them all, and happily takes a seat beside Ron.

"So how many siblings do you have Ron? I know there's at least 4 of you here."

"So you've met the twins have you? Sorry. Theres 7 of us, my brothers Bill and Charlie are already out of school, then there's Percy, Fred and George, me, and my little sister Ginny. She's gonna be here next year."

"Just the one girl? Poor Ginny. And no, I haven't met them, they just have quite the reputation."

"She's tough it's fine. As far as the twins go, try to avoid them at all costs. The more invisible, the better. They'll strike anything that moves. You don't have to know them personally for them to pull a prank on you."

"I'll keep that in mind, thanks." She looks down the bench to see the twins throwing dinner rolls up at Peeves.

If life here will be easier avoiding those two, than that's exactly what she plans to do.

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