Chapter 1: The Obduction

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                                                                           ~23 Years Earlier~

I remember the cold. The hunger. Eating away at me. Why did God bring me into this world, only to have me be abandoned, and now dying four days later? Right now, shouldn't I be snuggling on my mother's chest in a warm house? No, that is not what I get. I am a four day old infant, with no mother.

All I can really think right now is 'FOOD!', and I know none of that is coming soon. The minutes are slowly going by as I start to feel numb. Is this how it all ends? Right as I am about to give in to sleep and give my body the rest it deserves, I hear a noise. I weakly start to cry. The noise is so soft, yet rough, because my throat hurts so much.

I hear someone say, "It's coming from over here!"

Another voice asks, "In the dumpster? Blake, why would crying be coming from a dumpster, ya idiot?"

"Yeah, yeah. You're probably right..."

"I typically am, and come on, I mean, we are in the slums, but nobody could be that cruel, right?"



"Shawn, I'm just going to check just in case."

"... Fine, if you insist."


"Okay, I think you might be right! Stop looking at me like that! Yeesh!"

There is a grunting noise and the crash of something metal. At this point, I feel like my Throat is bleeding from all the crying and not enough food. I try to wriggle as much as my tired body will let me, to show them where I am at.

"Shawn, look! Something is moving in that garbage bag!"

"My God, these people really are like animals..."

"Hey, hand me your pocket knife so that I can rip open the bag."

"And where is yours? Blake? Don't tell me you lost it again!"

"Is now really the time?"

"Ugh... This conversation is not over!"

"It never is with you..." The man named Blake grumbled.

"What was that?"

"I said I was going to open the bag now!"

"Uh-huh... Sure."

I have finally given up on crying as it is now hard to breath. I am not hearing anything and think that they must have opened the wrong bag and given up. Then, suddenly, there is a blinding light. I squint my tiny eyes, and slowly let them close. Maybe they are too late, and I will leave this world soon. Screw this evil world.

Right before I pass out I hear, "Oh my God! Shawn, it's a baby! Not an animal!"


"Holy crap!"

"Well, hurry up and get him in the car!"


"You're not that dumb right? We are taking him to the hospital!"

"Oh, Good idea!"

"Ugh! Just hurry up!"

There is more talking but I'm too weak to listen, so I finally let the blackness that has been creeping at the edges of my vision, take over.

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