10| Status Asthmaticus

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The silence hung around in the jeep, Stiles picked up some speed and flew down the road. Angelina was stealing glances every few seconds to make sure he was doing okay, obviously he wasn't. She was worried about him.

As they continued driving, the jeep made a noise and smoke started to rise from the hood, seconds later it made its way inside. It filled up pretty quick and Angelina reached over to her brother.

"Stop the car." She demanded, both coughing from the inhalation.

Stiles slowed to a stop and jumped out off the car, slamming the door so hard it opened right back up before closing again. Angie climbed out and shut her door more gently and listened as the older boy continued to cough.

He went around the back to grab the tools while his sister went to the front and opened up the hood. When Stiles came back she could smell his anger and anxiety, it was a lot stronger than before. Stiles opened up the box and stared down at the empty spot, quickly grabbing it and chucking the whole thing down the road.

Angelina stepped away, not wanting to get in his line of fire. She watched carefully, he went around and slammed the hood shut, not even bothering to look at the problem. Then he grabbed the bloodied wrench from the passenger side floor, he went to throw it far down the road but stopped.

"Stiles?" Angie called out. He turned back around and faced his jeep, looking back and forth between that and the wrench. Stiles threw the wrench straight at the jeeps windshield, it shattered and glass flew around causing Angelina to shriek.

Her older brother moved to the side and sat on the ground, leaning his back up against the tire. Angie slid down beside him and looked at him in concern. She slid her hand through his and leaned her head on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry." He whispered.

"Don't apologize to me, you're jeep might be more upset." She joked, he laughed under his breath and leaned back.

»»————- ➴ ————-««

Angelina had gotten a text from Liam that Hayden was dying, Melissa was going to come and try to help. Hayden was asking for the younger girl so she headed towards the animal clinic fast.

"Sorry, I'm sorry I left last night." Angie apologized as she walked through the doors, seeing Hayden on the metal table. Not even looking to see who else was there.

"You're here now." The dying chimera sadly smiled.

Angie was walking over to the table but glanced up, making eye contact with Theo and growling. "Woah." He chuckled, holding his hands up in defense. It was like the universe didn't want her to fight him, because now Liam was holding her back and dragging her over to the table.

She settled down and grabbed Hayden's hand gently, drawing random shapes in hope that it would calm her nerves.

"What's that?" Liam asked, looking over as Melissa pulled out some medical equipment.

"It's called chelation therapy." Melissa informed.

"It removes heavy metals from the blood." Angie added, receiving a nod from the nurse.

"But the problem is that it can injure the kidneys, and Hayden only has one to begin with so."

Melissa started to insert the iv into Hayden's hand, the girl winced and Liam instantly grabbed the nurses wrist.

"You're hurting her." He growled. Angelina reached over and grabbed onto his wrist, trying to pry his hand off.

"And you're hurting me." The mother looked down at his grip, Liam looked up at his alpha who stared him down. He quickly let go and Angelina followed suite.

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