Someone Turned Betty

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Hi, I'm Betty Cooper, I live in RiverDale, I know only one person here in RiverDale, and his name is Pop Tate. I'm 19 years old and I go to RiverDale Community College. I had a best friend, his name was Jughead Jones, we met the first day of Kindergarten and have been inseparable since. We started dating when we were 14, then on my seventeenth birthday, he disappeared. He never said goodbye, and he never calls and he never writes. I haven't seen him since I was 16. He wasn't the only one that left on my birthday, also, a couple, Veronica and Archie. All three of them just disappeared.

So, I have been alone for 3 years, and my parents died last year from an animal attack, went they went camping. So, now I'm alone. All Alone. So, every night I walk around town, all night, no one is around, just me. And my thoughts. But tonight was different, it felt eerie, the I saw something on the corner of my eye, it like ran, like really fast. But I didn't see anything, then something "ran", one the corner of my other eye. Then I started to walk away, but someone stood in front of me. He bit his wrist and "ran" behind me and put it to my mouth. It was gross, his blood was in my mouth, then I felt pressure on my neck, then I blacked out.

Hi, I'm Veronica Lodge, I'm a witch. I used to live in RiverDale, but now I live just outside of RiverDale, in a cabin. With a werewolf, my boyfriend, Archie Andrews, and a vampire, my friend, Jughead Jones. My brother is Reggie, he's a werewolf in RiverDale.
I'm Jughead Jones, vampire. 3 years ago I was turned into a vampire, because I almost died. My friend Archie, almost killed me bye accident, because I was walking in the woods, on a full moon, so he has turned into a werewolf. But then, someone turned me into a vampire. That day I killed someone, because I wanted them, I needed them, to live. When I realized I had killed a human I freaked out, because I didn't want to end up killing the love of my life, Betty Cooper. That day was her birthday, and I fled, without a goodbye, nothing. I look after her though, but she never can see me.

Every once in a while Jughead will have me check up on Betty. I use my magic to do so, I do a spell and I am able to stand/walk right next to her, but she can't see me only I can see her. I only talked to my dead ancestors, they are witches, if anything supernatural, were to happen to Betty, they are to tell, but they can't physically tell me, so they have to use a spell that will make whatever is happening to Betty, happens to me, so the. I will know if something is really wrong.

In dream:
(V) "Betty? Betty, what's wrong, BETTY!?
Wakes up:
I woke up from the dream, I freaked me out I don't know what really was happening, so, I decided to get up and make breakfast. The sun was just starting to come up.
I woke up and I was laying down, I was in front of the RiverDale register. I neck hurt really bad, and I was REALLY hungry, I wasn't sure what happened. I got up and went to walk down the walk way on the left side of the register, I leads to the back and if you keep walking you get to my neighborhood. The sun was just coming up, then the sun started shining, I love it at this time, but then the sun rays peaked out of the tree that was n front of me and hit my hand, and it started burning, like fire. It scared me I went to step back, but I went really fast, I didn't even mean to go fast, but I ran into the brick wall.

Every time to sun hit my skin it kept burning me. (B) *screams in pain* I don't know how I kept burning and I was like running fast to each spot that the sun wasn't hitting. I hit my face, and god, did that burn like I felt like I was going to die (B) *screams in pain*
The boys finally woke up and sat at the island in the kitchen. I made eggs, toast, and I had strawberries on the side. I was still a little on edge with the dream I had this morning I didn't know what was wrong, or if something was even wrong. (A) "Babe, you okay, you shaking?" (V) *fake smiles* "Yeah, yeah, I'm okay." The. I went to do dishes, then the sun came up and burned my hand really bad, (V) *gasps and winces in pain* (A) "Hey, what just happened?" (V) "I-I-I don't know. Somethings wrong." Then the sun shined on my face. (V) *screams in pain*

Archie ran over to me a grabbed me, the. I had a vision. It was Betty, she was screaming and crying and she kept running from spot to spot, *gasps* like a vampire. Then I heard my ancestors, they were telling me to save her, that she was going to burn. I then snapped out of the vision and ran into my room I grabbed one of my moon rings put a spell on it then ran back out to the boys. (V) "Here" *gives the ring to Jughead* "Y-y-you need to get to RiverDale , now." (J) "What? Why?" (V) "someone turned Betty into a vampire, and the sun is up, she's burning, she's being able to go from shade spot to shade spot, but she won't be able to do that for long. So, give her the ring, and get her back here, before she kills someone or she burns." Then Jughead and Archie were gone, they were fast.

(B) "Ahhhhhhhh" *screams* I hurts so bad, I'm trying to get to my house. But it's across the street and there is no shade, so if I try, I'll burn. Then the sun came through more, (B) *screams in pain and starts to cry* then I fell to the ground screaming, then my hand starting to burn with fire on it. Then someone grabbed my other hand and put a ring on it, I didn't even look to see who, all I knew is that I wasn't burning anymore, so I ran to my house, like FAST! I burst through the door and slammed it shut, and I was hungry. (When I say ran I mean like she zoomed, like have you seen how vampires run in movies? Well, that's what I mean.) so, I ran to the kitchen and opened the fridge and grabbed my half eaten sandwich, I started to eat it but it was gross.

I didn't know what was happening, all I knew that I was REALLY hungry, could run really fast, and burned in the sun light. Then the door creaked open, so apparently I can hear really well too. Then I smelt blood. I wanted it, NEEDED it, and I needed it NOW.

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