The reunion!

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It was a Friday night and my face lit up when I saw my phone, it displayed the name of my favourite person calling me.

"Stephanie, what's up?"

Clearly she could here all the excitement in my voice.
"Leane, I will be reaching your place at 8pm to pick you up. Dress up in something sexy."
And then she just disconnected the call.

I was used to her such mystic calls. She was my best friend after all, we grew up together, her family treated me as their own.

I looked at the time, it was 5 already and I was almost done with work.
I worked with a company as a business analyst, for work I traveled a lot and for studies I have spent years away from my home town and my family band specially Stephanie.

I was back in New York after 6 years now. And suddenly I feel I don't know this town anymore.
I have spent the last 6 years in Toronto getting my Master Degree in place, was there studying, interning and now I am back.
Why did I leave NY and go to Toronto, I have no idea at that time the idea seemed very fascinating but now it makes no sense.

Anyway, I turned off my laptop, packed my bags and was ready to leave when Adrian stepped in, my my heart beat just paced up.

"Hi Lee! Did Steph call you?"
Adrian, my childhood crush but he is Stephanie's elder brother so definitely I couldn't hit on him ever. That's the rule.

"Yes she did. You will be coming to?" I asked hopefully.

"Of course, it's your welcome back party after all, I have to be there."
He looked straight into my eyes and said that. The look was so different and I couldn't decipher it. But it did leave an impact. I JD butterflies.
As usual I was tongue tied, I smiled nervously and excused myself to go back home.

I was back in town just 2 days ago and I have already started getting lost amidst everyone. 6 years and so much changed already.

My house was close to the office I worked for and so I decided to walk home instead of driving around. The headquarters of my company was in Canada and after interning there for 6 months I requested them to transfer me back to my hometown.

10minutes later I was at my front door opening it.
I knew mom wouldn't be home till 6:30, she was a doctor in a local hospital.
And my dad, I don't know who he is. My mom raised me alone.
Stephanie's family was very close to ours. Her father, Dr Arnold made sure that he never differentiated between Stephanie and me. Stephanie's mother, Maria too was a wonderful person. And Steph, she was more of a sister than a friend!
Everything about them was amazing but something was always mysterious.
There were always some gaps that my mother didn't fill about my father but I never forced her to tell me because I knew it pained her.

I went straight up to my room and rushed to the bathroom for a quick shower.
I wrapped myself in a towel and stood in front of my wardrobe.
"Wear something sexy" Stephanie's voice rang in my head.
She knew I was a Tom boy and sexy is not something I have.

I took out a black dress and some matching heels.
I dressed up and looked into the mirror and stared at my face. I had grey eyes and my mom's were blue so I figured maybe I inherited my father's eyes. I had 3 long scars on my face, running from the right eye brow till my chin, it was a claw mark and as my fingers ran over the scar, I remembered that dreadful night. Pushing all the negative thoughts away, i picked up my comb and started combing my hair, it was 7:30 already and my mom didn't come home. I went to grab my phone to call her when I heard the doorbell. I went to open it and there stood the lady. I had all her features other than the eyes.
"You finally found a reason to wear that dress I see."
I giggled at her comment, I had bought it 6 months back and video called my mom to show it then, but never got a chance to wear it.

"You look beautiful princess, but apply a little kohl, it will bring out your eyes."

I nodded and rushed back to my room.
I was 24 already but the teenager me still got excited with every party that Stephanie organised.

I applied a little kohl and nude lipstick just to look complete.

It was sharp 8 and I heard the car honk near the front door.

"Bye Ma, I guess they are here."
I said as I walked towards the door.

"They ?" She raised her eyebrow.

"Steph and Adrian." I blushed.
She gave a knowing smile and I waved her goodbye as I walked towards the black SUV.

I climbed up at the backseat.

"I said sexy." Stephanie commented as soon as I settled down.

"Shut up Steph, you look pretty Lee."
Adrian spoke to my reflection that formed in the rear view mirror.

"Of course" she rolled her eyes and I blushed again,

"Where are we going?" I asked, everything seemed new to me.

"Adrian and I have new favourite club here, we are taking you there."

I glanced at the rear view mirror and I saw Adrian looking at me, with a look that I couldn't decipher.

10minutes and we reached our destination. There was a huge queue at the entry and instead of joining at the end of the line, Stephanie held my hand and rushed me in through a different back entry.

As soon as I entered the club, the strong smell of alcohol hit me, the music was loud and the lights were dimmer. There was a dance floor and people were dancing. It took me sometime to adjust to my surroundings.

Stephanie pulled me towards the bar.
I realised that Adrian had left and it was just me and Stephanie.

"What would you drink?" Stephanie screamed over the loud music.

"Whiskey, neat." I replied loudly, and she gave me a knowing smile.

I went to a find a place to sit in the booths that were present. I settled in one and Stephanie joined me shortly with our drinks.

The music didn't feel so loud in the booth though and we found a safe place to talk finally.
Stephanie and I have always stayed connected when I was in Toronto, we called each other everyday and video calls were a must! We didn't grow apart but still we felt a little distant.
I took my first sip and was ready to blurt it out with what Stephanie said next.
"I am engaged!"

"What?! When were you supposed to tell me this? When did this happen and who is the guy?"

"Obviously after you were back, but I never got a chance to talk to you past two days. It's Bensten, you know him right?"

Of course Bensten, Stephanie started dating him once I had left. They were an amazing couple but I didn't know it was so serious that they will end up marrying. But I was happy for her.

"Wow! He is a great guy. I am happy for you Steph."

"You will find your mate too. He is just around the corner."
She smiled at and that mystic look was back.

"What mate?" I laughed

"I meant soulmate." She smiled again.

"Yea whatever."

I was in a relationship too once when I was in Toronto. We were together for 2 years and things didn't work out. So we parted ways and I was single since then. And I was happy.

"Let's dance?"
I gulped down the remaining drink and followed Stephanie.

The music hit me hard and I was unsure about my surroundings. I could no longer see Stephanie and I let the whiskey take over me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2021 ⏰

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