Youre what?

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A week passes and you have the slip in your hand. You would go, but you'd ignore everyone. When you got to school everyone had their bathing suits on. 'Holy crap I forgot it was today' you thought.

3rd person pov
But tho y/n was not a stupid girl. She had a spaghetti shirt and some long shorts in her backpack that she kept just in case she got her period or something would happen. It wasn't the best bathing suit but who was she trying to empress anyways. (This is the outfit it's probably ugly bc I have no scene of style 💀)

 (This is the outfit it's probably ugly bc I have no scene of style 💀)

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Y/n pov You hear a small "pst"

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Y/n pov
You hear a small "pst". "Oh hey suna" you smile a little. "Hey where's your bathing suit?" Suna asks. "I forgot it was today *small laugh* so I'll be wearing some shorts and a tank top" you say not so loudly. Suna stays in silence, what was he looking up to? When we arrived st the beach I heard everyone screaming and running, yeah this was a bad idea.
~time skip~
Atsumu walks up to you, "hey y/n so I've been yk thinking and uhh would like to go out" you look at him with a wth face. "Sorry but I'm yk-" you pull a random girl and kiss her. Atsumu backs up with his eyes pale while osamu was laughing in the back. Suna was obviously hearing this he didn't know why but it bothered him that you kissed someone else.

Author~ heyy I'm sorry this is a quick one but I just got back to school love u guys <3

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