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AS THE WOMAN BID FAREWELL to her boss, Goya, watching her drive away in her silver Lexus, she began heading to the train station. She was forced to stay extra late to fix a filing error that was the fault of her fellow coworker, but the blame fell on her. She wanted to get to the condo before it started to rain, noticing the dark grey clouds sprinkle small drops of cold water on the ground. Approaching the gate, she dug in her bag looking for her wallet to get her train card. A quiet gasp left her throat as her wallet was completely missing, she opened her bag wider hoping it would magically reappear.

She moved to the side thinking back to where she last placed it, and she silently cursed to herself upon realizing she forgot it in her work desk. And it was not like she could buy another card, take the bus, or even a taxi-her loose change was in her wallet. She exited the train station running to the nearest bus stop taking shelter, though it was not doing her any favors. The rain still attacked her legs soaking the bottom of her trench coat.

The girl thought of calling up her roommate to pick her up, but she was still ashamed from the whole gay assumption situation. But she at least wanted to try, so she pulled out her phone dialing his number as it started to ring. She almost started to cry seeing how her day seemed to only get worse and worse, but she held it in knowing it would not help.

Meanwhile, Sakusa was hanging out with his team at Bokuto's house having a few beers. They were all scattered around his man cave talking amongst each other, and the curly-haired male stood up making his way to the bathroom. He left his phone on the table as their manager saw the screen light up beginning to vibrate.

"Sakusa-kun, someone's calling you."
"Take a message."

Momo grabbed his phone seeing the woman's first name, and it sounded oddly familiar to her-then it clicked in her brain. She was the girl that came to the gym asking for Sakusa, and they went out to lunch together.


The manager felt a tinge of jealousy-who was this girl and why is she allowed to use his given name? "No. This is Momo, his manager," she said with an irritated tone.

"Oh, um, is Kiyoomi there? May I talk to him?"
"He's busy right now, but I can take a message."

The pitter-patter of raindrops coming from her end was heard for a few seconds, then she spoke. "Um, can you just tell him to call me back as soon as possible? Thanks," she asked nicely.

"Alright, bye," Momo said, quickly hanging up as she saw her crush coming back.

"Who was it?"
"Wrong number."

The silver-haired female smiled whilst the wing spiker softly hummed stuffing his phone in his pocket before sitting down. The wet girl grasped onto her phone waiting for Sakusa to hopefully call her back, but he never did. She did not know anyone else in the city, and telling her boss to come back to the office just for her wallet-it was bad enough she got in trouble. Waiting out the rain was one option, but who knew when it might stop seeing as it was only getting stronger.

The woman closed her eyes forcing a smile as she wanted to give up, to just give up this whole fucked up day. Why bother at this point? She heavily sighed stepping out from the bus stop as she took her sweet time walking home in the harsh weather.

Once she finally got to the building, a trail of water drops followed her to the front door. As she was about to get her key, she remembered she forgot it in her room. "Of course," she quietly laughed, of course it would only get worse.

She leaned back against the door sliding herself down putting her bag beside her, then brought her knees to her chest. She buried her face in her hands knowing she could not hold it in anymore, and quiet sobs escaped her mouth as hot tears streamed out her eyes. At the moment, zero fucks were given how the air conditioned hallway froze her ass off as well as the cold-tiled floor making the hair on her arms stand.

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