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You told me i could get anyone if i tried but all i ever wanted was you but you never wanted me until the end when i didn't need you.

You said forever but forever to you meant nothing. You made me feel safe when no one else could you helped me with things i never knew i needed help with. You made me smile when no one else could you made my heart get flutters every time i'd see your name i felt so much but when you saw my name it was just letters.

You helped heal the pain i never knew could be fixed. You were the red flag but all of it was just love, love you didn't understand but continued it with someone else and now you're making them happy and i love you for making her happy but you've broke our hearts but we still shut that part off to ignore the bad you have because to us you're nothing but an angel, you'll always be that perfect angel.

I wanted us to be dancing on our wedding day but you never wanted that i wanted more then just one kiss i wanted you accept the love i had for you but you were scared and i helped you over come that fear and you left me and took everything i tried giving you and i'll always forgive you for it because you were my everything but i was just a person to you.

We talked about things i never knew i'd talk about but you still left which is funny because you wanted me after i found the one you decided to come back when i didn't need you you came back when i was over the heartbreak you gave me we promised forever but we're now strangers just like in every other love story we become a spark then it fades away to become nothing but ashes. You made the ashes while i still had the spark.

I knew we were weren't perfect but you were okay after you left, it was like nothing happened it's like after the spark you had was still on but you got bored, but you still got jealous i loved him more then you.

How are you okay with me being gone.

The author shared her story but don't let her ending upset you because she ignored every red flag. She recovered but when you're done reading this i'll never recover because you set me down and i'll be forgotten just let every other person you've lost.

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