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Waves lapped at the sandy shore, mesmerizing Samuel Drake with their unreliable rhythm. The noise of the larger waves crashing farther out at sea drowned out their murmur. The sun set behind them, causing a brilliant gold shimmer to light up the ocean. It was paradise; Sam would have found it easy, effortless, to waste the rest of his life sitting in front of that view. A cold beer in his hand and his family at his side...nothing could be better.

He crossed one leg over the other and sank back farther into his chair under the Drake's gazebo. He and Sully were silent, there was no need to talk and nothing in particular to talk about. Cassie Drake laid on her back in the sand in front of them, holding a book above her face and reading furiously. She didn't care that her hair was full of sand, or that the breeze was getting a bit chilly. Sam stared at her for a moment and smiled to himself.

"What's so amusing?" Sully asked in a low voice. He had glanced over at the right time to see the older Drake's expression change.

"Remind you of anyone?" Sam asked, nodding towards his niece. Sully chuckled.

"I remember so many nights when I thought I would have to rip a book out of Nate's hands, just so that he would go to bed," he replied. "It appears to be a genetic trait."

"I know you guys are talking about me." Nothing about Cassie's position or expression changed as she called them out.

"What? No, never!" Sam said. "Honestly, I forgot you were even here."

"Yeah, right." She turned a page and her fingers slipped. The book fell, smacking her in the face, and she gave a small cry of alarm. Sam and Sully burst out laughing, much to her chagrin.

"Dammit, stop laughing," she wined, flipping through the pages to find her spot.

"What did I tell you," Sam said through his laughter, turning to look at Sully.

"A spitting image," was Sully's reply.

"Hey, butterfingers, want some ice cream?" Nathan was approaching them, cradling several bowls in his hands. "We're done cleaning up. Elena'll be out in a minute with a couple more bowls." He handed one to a disgruntled Cassie and a second to Sam, before settling down in a chair next to him. "What'd I miss?"

"Victor and I were just commenting on your daughter's remarkable resemblance to you."

"Oh, man, Cassie, I'm so sorry," Nathan said. "I never meant for this to happen." Cassie snorted with her mouth full of ice cream.

"It's almost frightening," Sully added. "Gave me flashbacks to when you were her age."

"I didn't turn out that bad, Dad," Cassie said. "I mean, I'm definitely smarter and cooler than you."

"Wow, really?" Nathan said, raising an eyebrow.

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