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Circa 1990

"Hey Sam, come look at this!"

"Coming!" Sam called back. He rushed to dress in the motel room's restroom.

"Hurry!" Sam rolled his eyes to himself and finished pulling the shirt over his head. He stepped out into the main room.

"What'd you find?" His little brother sat at the table, bent over so that his nose was only a couple of inches from the notebook. His eyes flashed back and forth as he read line after line of their mother's script. Sam slid into the chair next to him and craned his neck to see what he was reading.

"I think it's in Columbia," Nathan said cryptically. He looked up at Sam, his face shining. "The ring. See, Mom knew about it. She wrote about it, right here." He ran his finger along the page.

"Great. I've read that page a hundred times," Sam groaned. "Where does Columbia fit in?"

"I was digging through these. I found them at the library after we got here the other day." The fourteen-year-old motioned to several other books littering the table. "And in here..." He snatched one and started flipping through it. "I found this." Sam pulled the book out of his hands and scanned the page.

"I'll be damned," he murmured. Nathan was right. The book detailed a historical discovery from some years before. Tucked away several items down on the list of finds, was the ring of Sir Francis Drake. Sam drew in a breath.

"If you read further," Nathan said, "Look, it says everything was taken to a museum in Cartagena." Sam kept skimming, and sure enough.

"And how, little brother, are we gonna get to Columbia?" Sam asked incredulously, raising his gaze from the book. Nathan shrugged as he grabbed it back from Sam's grasp.

"Take your bike and go through Mexico? Or hop a boat heading south."

"That sounds awfully risky," Sam replied, but rather than sounding cautious, his voice was full of exhilaration.

"Do you have a better idea?" Nathan asked. He slammed the book shut and thumped it down on the table.

"Getting out of the US is gonna be the hard part." Sam scrunched up his face, thinking hard. Nathan shook his head.

"No, getting back in the US is the hard part. Getting out is easy." A smile played at his lips as he waited for Sam's response and he could see the plans already forming in his brother's head.

"That is a very good point," Sam said after a minute. "And if you're right about this-"

"I am," Nathan cut him off.

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