Ashtons POV

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Luke: Hey dudes you know those girls we died for?

Us: yeah

Luke: If we find all of them we can keep them.

Us: Bit creepy no?

Luke: We are creepy ... .

Me: true

Kayley looks so gourgeous in that coral dress I want to sweep her off her feet! I feel bad about druging her, and kiling her parents... BUT SHE KISSED ME. Of course she doesnt remeber. Im going to talk to her.

Wait I cant .

Oh well... "Uh.. Hey...are you kayley?"

K: "Yeah."

"Were ya going?"

K: "Upstairs with friends "

"like guyfriends."

K:"No silly, my boyfriend ditched me!"

" Oh im sorry, were is he?"

K: "he's that one right over there."

She said pointing at a short,scrawny black haired boy. Not a MAN a BOY

"Oh." Im going to kill him

*A slow song comes on*

"May I have this dance?"

K: "You may"

I wrap my hands around her hips she puts her arms around my neck. I noticed she had scars..

*I look down at her*

"Are you a cutter?"

"Uh...Y-Yeah" her smile faded

"A trick I learned not to cut. Draw a butterfly where every you want to cut. But dont slaughter the butterfly"

"Thats very smart! Thanks!"

She kissed me Was this real? She is actually not drugged up. Is she drunk?

"Do you drink?"

K: " No sorry."

"I dont either" I lied

"Oh good!"

The slow music stopped

"Im sorry i have to go"

She kissed me again! She dropped a paper It has her number with her lipstick stain. In the meanwhile.. Im going to chop up that little twerp

I walk over too him and tap his shoulder. He looks up at me

" What? " He smirked

" Why are you giving me an attidude?" I smirked back

"Why are you such an idiot?"

"You wanna go punk!?" I poked his chest

"Ouch! No man sorry!" He said

"Thats what i thought listen... I need your help."

"Yeah sure"

"wait here i will be right back"


I have to find the kitchen.... Oh there it is! I grabed a potato bag and shoved large butcher knifes in it.

I ran back to the twerp.

"Ok follow me!" I said

He actually followed me. I led him to the back of the building, were the trash is , were he belongs.

"So... Why do you need me?"

Me: "You know that hottie kayley?"


Me: "does she have a boyfriend?"

"Not really"

I quickly grabed the smallest knife. I stabbed his knee

"WHAT THE FUCK MAN?! OWWW!" he yelled at me

Me:"WHOOPS. Let me ask again.. Does she have a boyfriend?"

"yes... Its me!"

Me:" Wrong mistake bro!" hehe i feel like scream.

I stabbed him multiple times then he was dead. I through him in the garbage

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