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"I wish you didn't have to go."

Josie closed the boot of her car (trunk for the US readers) and turned to him. Her breath was taken away by his gorgeous face as he stood looking at over the top of Nicholas' head.

"Why don't you come in later for dinner?"

Grayson smiled a silly grin and felt like he'd just been given the moon.

"Sure. Want me to bring anything?"

"Nah. Just you."

"Just me?"

She nodded "Just you."

They stood looking at each other. Time stopped still... yes that old cliché saying was actually true.

"I love you Josie."

She felt the warmth of a solitairy tear and found herself captivated by the dark broody depths of his eyes.

His hand reached up and she was drawn to lean into it as he held the side of her face.

"I'm scared to let you go baby. So scared I'll lose you again."

"I'm just going into town..."

He shook his head with a sad smile.

"I mean you. You leaving and not wanting to come back. I know you said that you had to learn to be yourself Josie but so did I. You're right, we were always a pair. Josie and Grayson... Grayson and Josie. When you left I had to learn how to function without you too. Everything I'd done was always with you in mind. I didn't know how to make a decision that was just for me."

He chuckled slightly as Nicholas burped before his eyes started to close and he snuggled into Graysons chest.

"We both had to grow up Grayson. We weren't little kids anymore."

Grayson tucked her hair behind her ear.

"No, we're not but I still can't imagine the rest of my life without you."

He looked down at Nicholas.

"You gave me a precious gift Josie. You have no idea how proud I feel knowing that you chose to keep him.. my son... after everything."

She swallowed the lump in her mouth. God this man was beautiful.

"I couldn't 'not' keep him Gray. He was all I had of you."

He moved in to close the distance between them and at a slight side on angle so as not to disturb their son he bent down and touched her lips with his.

"Be my girlfriend."

He kissed her gently again.

"Be my girl."

Gently he traced her mouth with his.

"Be my love."

Josie found herself wanting to giggle as for the fourth time he went to kiss her.

This was the side of Grayson that she loved and adored. The cheesy, love sick idiot behaviour.

The giggle escaped her and he rested his head on hers as their eyes met. The intense fire that blazed between them settled the laughter she had.

"I know I want to... "


"There has to be rules and.."

"And?" He felt the bubbling in his chest as feelings he'd pushed aside were starting to re-awaken. Excitement, happiness, hope..

"We cant hold back from each other. No secrets."

"I can agree with that." He'd fight the man in the moon for the stars if he had to!

"There's something else..." her voice became apprehensive.


She drew in a deep breath and exhaled.

"We need to talk with your mother."

He jerked away from her suddenly.


She held her ground.

"Think about it Grayson. Your mother is a victim just like you, like me... We need to talk with her."

"No we don't." He spoke so firmly that it was bordeline harsh.

" Well I do!"

He shook his head vigorously "No. She's..."

"She's what Gray?" Her voice was soft.

He stood staring at her and she watched as the moment of truth made a painful appearance on his face.


Josie nodded.

"I missed..."

Again Josie nodded but this time she moved to him.

"Your father has a lot to answer for Gray. He took our past. Don't let him take our future."

"Future?" he whispered hoarsely as his eyes frantically searched hers.

She nodded.

"Well yeh, is that what being boyfriend and girlfriend is all about?"


Author sobs as loving cheesy moment hits the heart.

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