🎶🎤✨Part Three✨🎤🎶

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You turned around to see Amane walking into the stage with a birthday cake in hand. When Amane got to where you were on the stage he gave you the cake.

Amane: Happy Birthday Y/N! Make a wish but don't say it out loud or it won't come true.
You: But Amane I have everything I want right here. I don't know what to wish for.
Amane: W-Well just blow them out then.
You: Alright.

You closed your eyes and blew out the candles. As you opened your eyes up you could see Amane smiling at you softly eyes practically glowing. Then he took the cake and placed it on a nearby podium and held your hands in his. You went so red from the sudden contact.

Amane: F/N, L/N. You are my Tiny Light. Except your light never extinguishes and can't ever be extinguished. I was hoping you could continue to light up my life and make me the happiest boy by becoming my girlfriend.
You: Oh Amane. It would be ridiculous to say no to you. I would love to.
-Squeals from the crowd-
Amane: Great.

He wrapped his arms around your waist and softly kissed you. You had never been kissed before so it was a new feeling. It felt amazing. It was as if time stopped.

-Even more Screams from the Crowd-

You two pulled apart and Amane softly smirked at you which gave you butterflies.

Amane: I love you sweetheart.
You: I love you too. You mean so much to me and this has quite possibly been the best day of my life.

-Applause and screams of joy filled the Arena as you held eachothers hands staring into eachothers eyes. It was perfect-

You: I should probably go backstage before the crowd makes your ears bleed. Let's face it more people came today than we thought.
Amane: Yeah you probably should.. I expected this many people though. However I won't say why. You should get changed into something comfy. I have my assistant a baggy hoodie that you can wear.

Damn Amane your gonna kill me off one day if you keep smiling at me like that. I can't even breathe. He's too cute to take.

I went to the assistant and sure enough she had a baggy hoodie. It was red with a number 7 on the front. It smelled just like him. I went to the changing room and put on Grey Shorts, Thigh high white socks and red high top trainers. I had taken the cake backstage and while I was waiting I decided to have a look at it in better lighting and damn was it pretty. There were sprinkles, sweets and chocolate drizzle on the top with my name in the middle. It must've taken forever since he can't really hold things correctly. The noise on the stage started to go down as people began leaving. Before I could stop myself tears fell from my eyes. I was so happy and I didn't realise. Amane came in a realised I was crying. He started hugging me.

Amane: Hey HoneyBear tell me what's wrong? Did something go wrong? Was someone horrible to you? Are you hurt? Is it me?
You: No it's none of those. I'm just so happy. It kinda overflowed.

Amane: Oh thank god. You look cute in my jumper and the way your socks hug your thighs is kinda hot..


Amane: Haha Sorry. Couldn't help myself. At least you stopped crying though.

And that's ANOTHER CHAPTER DONE. I kinda botched his personality a little and decide so should put in a dirty sentence so it sounds more like him. The way I write for him makes Amane seem softer than he actually is. You two are 13 and 14 btw. Here's the promised Hanako picture.

 Here's the promised Hanako picture

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Hanako Idol AU - Hanako X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now