Thank God You Remember Me Pt.2

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The doors of the lift opened up exposing the second floor to Roc and Princeton.Roc stepped out first then princeton they started walking down a hallway till they saw Room 143!

Kimberlys POV

I was Just pulling up to Jades In My Red Mini Cooper until my phone rang. It was my boyfriend Robbie I quickly drove into Jades drive way and stopped the car i answered my phone

+++++++++PHONE CONVERSATION+++++++++

KimbleKake: Heeeeeeeey Rob 

RudeBoii'Robbie: Wassup 

KimbleKake: Oh nothing just at Jades im staying the night because were seeing Mindless Behaviour in the morning

RudeBoii'Robbie: Oh them...Um Ok well i was calling to ask if you wanted to go on a date tommorow but its iight be safe yeah..Love you

KimbleKake: Okay Babe :) Bye Love you too

++++++++++END OF PHONE CONVERSATION++++++++++

He hung up..Whats his problem I usually hang up..He sounded a bit mad that i wasnt available..Maybe i should go out on a date with him?

I got out my car and locked it I sighed and kicked some gravel in the driveway I walked up to Jades door and knocked on the doorbell 


I heard quite a lot of shuffiling going on I started tapping my foot as the door opened Jade looked kinda worried

Kimberly: Hey Jayyyy..You ok?

Jade: No come upstairs

I shut the door behind me and followed her up to he bedroom. I didnt lock my car so i walked to her window and pressed my car keys to see if it would lock from up here I continued to press the button on my fourth attempt it worked 

Kimberly: Ahh It worked *Smiles*

I slumped myself on Jades bed and put my bag down.

Kimberly: So why you upset?!


Jade was very insecure she didnt like being emotional or upset so she always bottled it up but when it came out..its like its filtered from sadness and upset to anguish and Confidence to fight

Kimberly: Okay..Whats up then?

Jade: The Damn Sky! But if you mean whats wrong...its nothing

Kimberly: Urghh Come on weve known each other for 6 years and your still pretending nothings wrong I WONT JUDGE YOU!

Jade: FINE! Alexias got in some sort of accident and shes at a hospital

Kimberly: And how exactly do you know all of this *acting concerned*

Jade : Well she was here maybe idk 45-50 Minutes ago? Oh and btw Your idea of 20 minutes is like 30! 

Kimberly: My bad...anyways carry on

Jade: Cut a long story short she took ages to come back with clothes she was gonna get from her house so i called her and lucky that i did because she said that she had got in a accident and she didnt know what hospital she was in but she said she would call me later and its nearly an hour and a half i wonder if shes Ok should i call her or should i wait for her to call me like she said?Yeah i will wait she might be in a important meeting/appointment thingyy Woah

Kimberly: Wow O.o I hope shes ok :( Well if shes staying can I?

Jade: Sure 

Kimberly: Alright well Imma go to Robbies i have some clothes there and its closer than my parents house

Jade: Okay..But NO ACCIDENTS! :) *She laughed*

I walked out her room and down the stairs i slammed her front door shut lol i love annoying her i got in my car and drove to Robbies

*12 Minutes Later*

I knocked on Robbies Door

A 21 seconds later he came

Robbie: Hey Angel *Kisses cheek* 

Kimberly: Hi

Robbie: How comes your here

Kimberly: I just came to get some clothes is my stuff still in my wardrobe?

Robbie : Yeap *Sits on couch watching TV*

KImberly: *Shouts* Have You seen My Red Hightops?!?

Robbie:Outside the Bathroom

Kimberly: Oh Tha-GCO



Who do you think that is?Whats up with Robbie?Is he hiding something?

A/N I DID 2 CHAPS IN ONE DAY :D Pretty Good ikr but anyways Next chapter out soon Peace, #STAYMINDLESS

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