Chapter 42: The Fallen Blade

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Declaimer: I own nothing in this fanfic, but my created characters they abilities and Jutsu and that is about all I own "Goes to corner and starts crying"

Writing: Italic: thought, Bold: Bijuu or summoning speaking.

"Since the day I was born till the day I die...the only side I'm on is mine." -Unknown

"Every story has an ending. How will mine end? I don't know yet..." - Unknown

"Your power is but an illusion of your own perception...and I exist as the instrument of its destruction." - Unknown

Kakashi dodged a lightning charged water ball as he continued to use the buildings as a shield. "We need to hold him back!" Kakashi shouted as Gaara, E, Mei, and Onoki appeared next to him. "What are we going to do?" Kakshi questioned the Kages, but Mei simply smiled and pointed towards a lone Shinobi standing on a building. He was tall with a scroll tied around his neck and wore a black cloak, but he quickly removed the clothing revealing a smiling Suigetsu.

"This is going to be fun!" Suigetsu shouted as he opened the scroll and in a puff of smoke was holding a giant sword with a scroll full of explosive tags. "Behold the power of Bakutō (Blast Sword)!" With that Suigetsu jumped at Kakuzu who sent a wave of black thread at him.

"My plan involves using Suigetsu as a distraction as we try and take Kakuzu down." Mei finished still wearing her smile, as Suigetsu reverted his body into water allowing the black thread to pass through him.


Naruto looked around at the desolate landscape seeing no sign of Sasuke, but found the dead remains of Jugo. "Sasuke." Naruto murmured as he continued to gaze around the area, but still found nothing. Naruto turned and began to head to Konoha to help with anything needed, but he never noticed a boulder being lifted up revealing a gleaming Sharingan underneath it.


Suigetsu was laughing as has he swung the explosive sword causing yet another limb of black thread to blown off. "I can keep this up all day!" Suigetsu grinned with glee in his eyes. Kakuzu glared at Suigetsu as his blown off limb repaired itself.

"I'm going to crush you!" Kakuzu screamed out, but at that moment Onoki appeared in front of him holding a cube between his hands.

"Jinton: Genkai Hakuri no Jutsu (Dust Release: Detachment of the Primitive World)!" Onoki fired the cube at Kakuzu who charged up his fire and wind masks firing them at the cube. Kakuzu's eyes widened as the cube continued on it's path smacking into him.

"Damn it!" Kakuzu exclaimed as he looked down to see a glob of lava hit him in the chest. "You pathetic cockroaches!" Mei smiled as Kakuzu was wrapped in a ball of sand as both E and Tsunade appeared in front of Kakuzu with their fists flaring with chakra. Kakuzu was sent backwards as his body was already beginning to repair itself. Kakuzu spun around and landed on his feet with a glare. "You can't beat-." Suddenly Kakuzu was smacked backwards as a new figure entered the fray.

"Right now you don't want to fuck with me." Came Naruto's growl as he narrowed his shifting blue eyes on Kakuzu. "Do yourself a favor and back down." Kakuzu growled and immediately charged at Naruto as he brought his hands together in a bird sign. "Fuinjutsu: Kamiyari (God Spear)!" Kakuzu stopped his charged as several spikes shot out of his chest.

"What is this?" Kakuzu screamed as Naruto looked away and began to walk towards the ninja force behind him.

"That is your end." Naruto answered simply as Kakuzu let out a roar as the spikes merged together before shooting upwards and changing into something that resembled a star made out of spears. "I've had a bad day." Naruto grumbled out as everyone looked at the Uzumaki in surprise. Hinata was the first to react and was already giving Naruto the biggest hug she could give him along with a kiss to his cheek. "I'm fine Hinata." Naruto said with a smile, but that quickly disappeared as he looked around. "Where is Yuukaiken and Konan?" Tensa decided at that particular time to appear.

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