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~{Tom’s POV}~

I had went down to the second floor and saw things flying everywhere in the cafeteria. It seemed I had got there just in time when Paul and Patryck began shouting at everyone involved to pick up. When they finish and everybody starts to scramble to clean up quickly at the mention of the Red Leader, I quickly make my way over to the two who had gotten off the ledge by now.

They start to run off but I manage to catch Paul’s and Patryck’s arms by the elbows, and pulling them aside. “What exactly caused this food fight?”, I ask them with a serious tone. They exchanged nervous glances with each other before Patryck clears his throat. “We’re not exactly sure. I’m guessing one of the soldiers was goofing around with a friend and it probably resulted into this huge food fight.” I nod as I listen to his explanation. “So it’s basically like what happened last week? No idea as to who the origin of the food fight could be.”

I look between the two of them as they nod. I pinch the bridge of my nose in annoyance as I sigh. That’s when I noticed everybody in the room had gone quiet, including Paul and Patryck. They seem to turn pale and white as they stare at something a bit below. I turn to look over the little ledge they were just on and see the Red Leader. Oh.. Paul and Patryck quickly go to him and I see them salute. I can tell, even from this far away and even just looking at their backs, how they frantically were apologizing.

I see his lips start moving after they seem to stop talking, a threatening look overtakes his face as he seems to glare at them fiercely. I know what he’s trying to do. Of course I do. I did go to grade school and knew him for many more years after that with our leader after all, so of course I know him better than anybody else.. especially his body as well… I see him turn to leave, but not before giving me a quick glance with an unreadable expression as he turns on his heel and exits the room.

~{Tord’s POV}~

I blush profusely as soon as I turn my back to the room so nobody can see my expression. I saw Tom up on that ledge watching me from above. I quickly head towards my office as I think about just how handsome his face looked in that lighting, even from afar, and close the door after I enter my office. I walk to my desk and sit down, slumping in my chair.

I was glad nobody could see how pathetic I seemed right about now, as I put my head in my hands, groaning with frustration. That feeling was back and it wasn’t leaving. The sensation of the warmth spreading all throughout my body whenever I see, or even think, of Tom. It was an unbearable feeling. My breathing suddenly starts to speed up slightly as my hand began to tremor intensely. It felt like my heart was going to burst out of my chest the more that this feeling was arising.

I don’t understand what’s happening to me.. I haven’t felt like this since highschool and I hate to admit it, but it was terrifying. I remember the calming technique Edd had taught me all those years ago. I try to calm down my breathing, taking in a shaky breath for 6seconds before letting it out for 9 seconds, and then repeating this process for a few minutes. My breathing eventually stabilizes, as I thank that highschool year memories of Edd in my mind. I jump a bit when I hear a knock on my door, my heart racing again.

“Are you in there, Sir?”, I recognize it’s Paul’s gruff voice and sigh deeply. I fix my appearance before answering. “Come in.”, I say in an authoritative voice. The door slowly creaks open as I see Paul walk in, followed by Patryck. The latter of the two closing the door behind himself, as they both take a seat in front of my desk. I look at them before speaking “What do you two need?”, I asked quizzically. I see Patryck sigh and then Paul speaks, “We’ve noticed something about you recently”

His voice sounded soft as he spoke, I’ve haven’t heard him speak this way since I was in grade school. I hide my shock behind and unchanging expression. “And what would that be?”, I ask a bit skeptically. “We’ve noticed that you’re starting to act how you did in highschool”, Patryck answers now. I wait for them to elaborate as my face contorts to a look of confusion. “How I acted in highschool?”, I ask, quite clearly confused by this.

They nod. Patryck quietly speaks up, “Is there somebody on your mind?” The sudden question mixed with my current confusion, allows me to loose control of my expression for a split second, as my face starts to heat up and a look of surprise overwhelms my features. A look of realization hits me as I remember ranting and crying to my adoptive parents about this boy that I liked when I was in my teens. The whole of my highschool years consisted of me just pining after Tom because I wasn’t brave enough to ask. Then that incident happened and it complicated everything even further..

~{Patryck’s POV}~

Paul and I were both worried for our adopted son. He had been normal for years, running the red army with an iron fist. Only a few months ago did he start acting a bit odd. Of course nobody else knew any better, but me and Paul noticed almost instantly as soon as it had started. The first tell tale sign was that he would let the soldiers off easier than normal. For example, if a soldier did something that had a penalty of death, he would just let them do a week in the basement for a torture session.

The second sign was how he holed himself up in his office for all times of the day, except for a food or bathroom break. It was very strange as well when he would pass up a chance to kill or torture someone who broke the rules. When he did he didn’t have his usual excitement in his face. At first we passed it off as him just having a cold or something, until we noticed that he had subtle but noticeable reactions when he saw that man with the void eyes. He would seem to be avoiding the man for some reason.

I snap back into the conversation after analyzing my thoughts. Paul and.. Tord were still talking with each other. Paul teasing him as Tord was denying it angrily, at this point it was like they were having a screaming match. I sigh with a soft chuckle. Just like the good old days. I smile to myself as I watch their bickering battle. Then they suddenly look at me at the same time and I press my lips together in a straight line and shrink into my chair a bit underneath their intense gazes, as I look between the two with confusion.

I worry a bit. Not really wanting to get caught up in their drama but oh well. “Tell pops over here that he should just back off my case!”, he said angrily with a little pout. “How about you tell Tord that I’m his father and he should tell me something if I want to know.”, Paul says loudly as he also pouts. I can’t hold back my laughter when I see them both acting so childish. “Paul you 38, Tord your 32. Stop acting like children”, I giggled a bit as they both looked at me annoyed.

“I’m still his father though. We adopted him when we were 22 which means he’s our child. If I want to know something he should tell me.”, Paul whined a bit as he walked towards me. Paul drops to his knees in front of me before resting his forehead on my knee. “Oh stop being such a baby.” I chuckle when Tord says this as he crosses his arms over his chest, while still glaring at Paul though a bit more half-heartedly as he cracked a smile at his father’s antics and chuckles quietly.

[After 2-3 years I'm back buds. Even though nobody really read this book, I recently got back into the Eddsworld fandom (sorta) and decided to write chapter 2 of this book. When I sorta abandoned this book I got writers block after the first chapter lol. So coming back after a few years with fresh eyes, and creativity overflowing in my brain from not writing anything fun- I did it. Anyway- this is really long lol. So anyways- I hope you enjoyed it. And I might write chapter 3 if enough people read this and actually vote/comment. Otherwise- see ya later. 🫰]

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2023 ⏰

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