Chapter 2 Moving in

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When me and Jotara got off the bus we were really quiet, when we got into the school we went to the receptionist to get our schedules and our room keys.

Alex: Hello I'm Alex Carabello I came here to get my schedule and room key.

Receptionist: Ah yes Carabello here's your schedule and here's your room key. You're room is room number is thirteen, and your roommate hasn't got here yet so you have some freedom for now.

Alex: Thank you.

Receptionist: Now who are you young lady?

Jotara: I'm Jotara Kujo.

I was about to walk out of the door until I hear.

Receptionist: Ah speak of the devil and she shall appear, here's your schedule and you're in the same room as Mr. Carabello.

Jotara: Yare yare, thank you.

I held the door open for JoJo and she gave me a smile then I walked out behind her.

Jotara: So we're roommates?

Alex: Yep, don't worry though I'll respect your privacy as long as you respect mine.

Jotara: Good, so did you really mean what you said on the bus?

Alex: What about the older girls thing yeah. I prefer them, I hate girls my age they're so annoying they only talk about three things, Dicks, Sex, and About how their parents are assholes and that they wished they were dead.

Jotara: Damn they must've been bitches.

Alex: Yep I hated most of them, Some of them were alright but most of them can go fuck themselves.

Jotara: I wish the guys at my old school were like you.

Alex: Nah you really don't, you'll eventually see why.

Jotara: What are you like an asshole.

Alex: In a way yeah, I'm very sarcastic.

Jotara: Meh I'm used to it. My gramps was also sarcastic.

Alex: Heh I inherited my sarcasm from my mom. Seems like we both have sarcastic families eh.

Jotara: Yeah I guess.

When we got to our room we begun to unpack and started to get to know each other a little more.

Alex: Hey y'know since we're roommates we should get to know each other.

Jotara: Sure why not. What should we start with.

Alex: Hm family, if it doesn't bother you.

Jotara: Yeah I'm ok with that. My grandfather Joseph Joestar he owns a successful realty company, my Dad is a jazz musician, I don't see him much though, and I don't really know what my mom does. You?

Alex: Well my Dads a dead beat, my moms the best, my sister she's autistic and she sometimes beats my mom up. Since she doesn't know how to articulate her feelings so she gets pissed and goes a little berserk but I can't blame her. I'm actually kind of terrified of what will happen while I'm not there.

Jotara: That's rough but I'm sure everything will be fine. But your dads a prick.

Alex: I know. I didn't think talking about my family would be so emotional I think I'm done with this subject.

I chuckled a bit after wiping some tears off my face.

Jotara: Ok what about our friends?

Alex: Well my friends were the best uh there were 6 of them including me. There was Brody he was the most active one out of all of us, he was pretty funny too. Then there was Wes probably the biggest meme lord out of anyone there and without a doubt the funniest one but he was never really active in the group he was always busy, Matt he was funny but he was all about,

 Then there was Wes probably the biggest meme lord out of anyone there and without a doubt the funniest one but he was never really active in the group he was always busy, Matt he was funny but he was all about,

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He always wore a suit to school and was the guy who was obsessed and knew the most about history. Then there was David he was tied with Wes as the meme lord but he was also tied with me as the least active member. And last but not least Richie he was the impression guy and one of the most funniest guys there, his British accent was funny as hell what I wouldn't give to hear it one more time. But those guys along with me were the core members of the group.

Jotara: They sound... annoying. But they probably were great for you.

Alex: Believe me I know. What about you though?

She looked down for a minute and proceeded.

Jotara: Well most of my friends are dead but the one that is alive I'll introduce you to him tomorrow.

Alex: Aight hey if my friends ever come to visit I'll introduce you to them.

Jotara: Alright. Anymore things we can talk about.

Alex: Not that I can think of. But hey sorry about your losses. I bet they were great people.

I said getting up giving her a hug.

Alex: You can talk to me. Anyway *yawn* I'm tired I'll see you in the morning.

Jotara's P.O.V.

Jotara: Yeah see ya.

I was blushing hard. He wasn't like the other guys he cared he's cute too.

Wait am I falling for him? I can't be, my boyfriend just died just a few months ago. Kakyoin I'm sorry but he's great I really like him, and I hope you'll be happy for me for moving on.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2021 ⏰

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