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Ashton P.O.V
We were home when my phone rang showing Aiden.

"Why aren't you and Alexis in school today"he shouted

I explained what happened to him

"Okay take care of her,I'll explain to Brittany, she's worried

"Okay"i said then ended the call.

I was stroking Alexis back and drawing drawing different images.

"Draw that again"she said

I drew the heart shape again and she looked up and pecked my lips

"Thanks for coming to my rescue, if not for you,i don't know what would have happened then and there"she said close to tears.

"Don't thank me,anybody would have done that for their girlfriend"i said and she nodded.

"How did he even find where you live"i asked

"Eric"she said

"The one in our school"i asked and she nodded

"I don't even know how he knew my father,but all the date and everything was a part of his plan"she said

"Wow how could he"i said with anger

"Its ok now"she said.

Her phone rang,she got up and laid her head on my chest.

"Mom,i'm okay now-i'm at Ashton's house-yes we are,I'll explain everything when you get home-byee"

"Mom sent her regards"she said and i nodded.

I wanted to kiss her,so i said

"Ahh,there's a spider on your forehead"

"Ahh,remove it A-"i kissed her until i was now laying on top of her

"Wow,Ash ,where's the spider" she said chuckling.

I continued kissing her not paying attention to what she was saying. She then crossed her leg over my waist. I was trailing kisses down her neck. I carried her up then trapped her against the wall without breaking the kiss. She tasted so good that i wanted to do a lot of things with her but i took it slowly. During our make out session, the doorbell rang making us pull apart. We both went downstairs and saw Brittany and Aiden at the door.

"We interrupted something right"Brittany said

"Yes a lot-we were-ow"i said when Alex hit me hard on the arm.

"Come in guys"Alexis said

"So how was school today"i asked

"It was not really fun without you guys there"Brittany said

"Anyways, did you come with your notes"Alex said

"Yh,i did we had maths and English"Brittany said

"Lend me your note,I'll return it tomorrow"Alexis said

"Okay"Brittany said handing the note over to Alexis

We all chatted for a while, i ordered pizza before they left. Alexis went up to the room to cover up on all the subjects she had missed. Alex was a straight 'A' student, teachers loved her character and she was gorgeous. I stared at her while the moonlight shone on her face. I started to fall asleep while staring when i felt the bed go on and with a peck on my lips. O fluttered my eyes open and said smirking

"I'll sleep so early,if you were doing that everyday"

"Cocky much"she said smiling

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