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The school just went into lockdown. None of the adults here can fight so I went after the guys. I followed them and just as they were about to unlock the door to Blair's classroom I said something. If you guys want someone come take me, I said. They smiled at each other and came at me. I beat the shit out of them both and called the police. After the police took them away the lockdown was lifted. I walked into Blair's class. Mommy, Blair said. She ran over to me and gave me a hug. Go get your stuff we have to go, I said. She nodded her head and ran away. A couple minutes later she came back with her stuff and we went to the office. Seeing as people are taking kids from everywhere I suggest that you close school down until everything is calm again, I said. Will do miss and thank you for helping us, the principle said. I picked up Blair and started walking toward hype. Mommy were are we going, Blair said. You are going to stay with me until things cool down ok, I said. Ok, Blair said. We made it to the house within 5 minutes and I went inside. I brought her up to my room and got her out of the school uniform and into comfy clothes with fuzzy socks. After she was changed I picked her up and we went to the living room. I walked into the room and everyone looked at me. How did a kid get here we thought you were still sleeping, Dixie said. I woke up at 5:00 and left at 6:00 because I had to get her up and ready for school, I said. Did you come home after, Mia said. NO I stayed by the school because I was picking her up early and when I was about to sign her out 2 boys with guns came in and the school went into lockdown, I said. What did you do, Thomas said. I followed them and then beet them up and called the cops, I said. Ok I get that kids where in the school but why would you risk getting killed by attracting their attention, Chase said. Because they had a direct target of someone in Blair's class so you want to go in there you gotta get through me first, I said. I could feel Blair's breath getting slower. I put her on the floor and laid her down. I rubbed soothing circles on her stomach until she calmed down. Once she was calm I picked her back up. Then someone walked in but I didn't see them here yesterday. I knew them from the gang though and so did Blair. It was Nick. Nick, I said. Sofie, Nick said. He walked over and gave me a hug. What are you doing here, Nick said. I live here now, I said. And what about you miss Blair, Nick said. I made them shut down the school because someone is going after someone in her class, I said. Then the door opened again. This time it was my brother and Anthony who I met yesterday with a bunch of other boys. I looked at the group closely and saw Kio. He was the leader of the gang and my bestie for life. I put Blair down and rang over to give Kio a hug. I swear that the moment I saw him I turned into the flash because the next thing I knew was Kio was hugging me. What is young Sofie doing at the hype house filled with a bunch of goody to shoes, Kio said. I got adopted, I said. I see so I heard Blair's school is closing for a while you wouldn't happen to know anything about that now would you, Kio said. I explained the whole situation to him and he agreed that they should close down. Uncle Kio, Blair said. Blair ran over and gave him a hug which leaded to him picking her up. So how's life been, Nick said. Just perfect, I said sarcastically. Hey what happened, Nick said. I you know what 8 men brought the main in, punched Lily in the face, Knocked Zoe out, got adopted, oh and just took down to men with guns inside of Blair's school with my bear hands, I said. That everything, Nick said. I left Blair in the orphanage crying and more that I will not say, I said. He didn't, Kio said. Oh there is no more him he is out of the game, I said. I looked around the room and saw everyone looking at me with either a shocked or confused look on their faces. Mommy, Blair said. I took her from Kio. What is wrong with you guys, I said. Umm that, Tony said. I saw a little red dot. Everyone down now, I said. Everyone except Dixie got down before the gun went off. Then it happened again I turned into the flash. I ran over to Dixie and moved her out of the way and sent the bullets back at the shooter. Then I ran to the one person who could help me. Then the both of us ran his team to my house. They took her, Nick said. Cisco start tracking her, I said. On it, Cisco said. Caitlin we are going to need some help, I said. I can't, Caitlin said. Please, I said. Only for you, Caitlin said. Then she turned into Frost. Now we need to teach me to control this, I said. To the backyard, Barry said. Shit we forgot someone, I said. On it, Barry said. He left and then was back a second later. Iris, I said. Sofie, Iris said. We all went to the backyard and after a couple minutes I could control it. We went back inside. I can't track it, Cisco said. We are going to need help of a professional, Frost said. I looked at Barry and ran off. I ran back and dropped off Felicity. Then I ran to Oliver's fight and cuffed the people he was fighting and brought him to my place. Then I ran and brought John over as well. Barry did you seriously have to interfear like that, Oliver said. For your information Ollie I am the one who ran you all here, I said. Ar you gonna do what Barry dos and just come grab me with out warning, John said. Yeah, I said. What happened, Felicity said. Someone took Blair and Cisco can't trace the tracker I had installed in her so we grabbed the only good hacker we know, I said. On it, Felicity said. Who ever these people are they are not human, I said. What do you mean, Ollie said. Something shot bullets through our window but when the bullet hit what ever shot it they screeched like an alien, I said. Send a message to the Legends to meet us, Ollie said. My abandoned wairhouse, I said. Let's fight aliens with alien's, Barry said. Before he could do anything I ran to Kara's planet. I appeared inside of her house. As soon as she saw me she got so happy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2021 ⏰

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