Second day

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My first case.

I put on a white blouse, and tuck it into a navy blue pencil skirt. I straighten my long hair, leaving it down. I put on concealer and mascara, and grab black flats from my closet. I grab a black purse that crosses over my body, in there being my credentials and gun.

I walk outside, quickly locking my door and jumping into my car. I drive off. This has to be one of the worst parts; the drive to the BAU. I overthink everything, if I wore the right thing, look right, if I'm smart enough, or if I'm even good enough to be on this team.

The good part is, that gets the drive over faster. I hop out of my parked car, practically almost falling to make sure that I'm early. I walk in the doors Ive walked in and out of 5 times, and it's exactly how it is everyday.

The place smells like coffee, very comforting on a warm October day it is. The chatter fills the room, and I no longer get glances from anyone, surprisingly. I walk in to the my desk, sitting down to start on the pile of paperwork Hotch has laid on my desk for me to fill out. I hear a knock on my door, and I immediately motion that whoever it is can come in.

"Hi Juliet, I'm Spe- Dr Spencer Reid. Hotch has asked us to all be in the conference room in 5 minutes, including you."

I'm shocked, and sit there staring at him for a few seconds. I mean, can you blame me? The guy has never even talked to me, and I bet Hotch has noticed. Why didn't he just came in, or sent anyone else? I've already developed a friendship with Emily, JJ, and Garcia and have already gotten the nickname, dimples, from Morgan. He's a profiler, of course he noticed.

"Sounds good, and I already knew your name. I'm a profiler and I pay close attention. You of all people should know that."

He looks stunned for a moment. "Cool, well see you then."

"Oh trust me, I can't wait." I say sarcastically, looking back down at my stack of papers.

He quickly walks out and shoves his hands in his pockets, which I notice immediately must be a nervous habit.

I finish the paper I was doing, walking to the conference, quickly taking the seat between Emily and Garcia, patiently wait for JJ to say.

"This is Mary Lauren from New Jersey , her and her two children were killed in her house two days ago.  He left a note, saying "I'm sorry.".

"Remorse," I say, "he either knew these people, or is asking for help, possibly going through some psychotic break."

"Right, why wasn't the dad or male home?" Morgan asks.

"She was a single mother, the children have the same father, but we don't know who he is. It seems as if she cut off all contact with him." JJ says.

"Garcia, stay here and try to find out who the father is; I'm assuming he must know the unsub, or is the unsub. Wheels up in 30."

I walk out of the room, feeling proud of myself for speaking up. I walk into the office, shutting the door behind me. I grab my go bag, setting it on the ground by the door for when we must leave. I clean up, and finish right on time.

We have a 4 hour flight to New Jersey, so I decide that it will be best to grab some coffee. Standing there is Spencer Reid, which I hadn't even noticed had walked to get coffee.

"Hey, " I say, "you want sugar?"

"Y-yeah thanks" Spencer mumbles. I reach over and hand it to him, my hand barely brushing his. We make eye contact for a second, immediately looking away, focusing on my coffee.

"So, I can't believe that this is my first case and it's already a family problem case." I say, slightly laughing.

"Actually, I'm surprised Hotch brought you al-long. I mean the probability the Hotch brings someone on a case like this is extremely low. Usually, he would wait for a leas complicated case because Hotch is more closed off when it comes to family cases, which is caused by PTSD."

"That's interesting actually, that tells me a lot about Hotch, he is generous, has a lot that happens to him but never shows it. That's why he shows no emotion. Thank you actually, Doctor." I walk off and I glance from the corner of my eye, seeing him smile and looking very proud of himself.

We catch the guy, or guys, because it turns out it was partners. A guy that Mary had rejected and the father were working together. I sit on the plane, and fill out one last page, my eyelids barely struggling to stay open.

The last thing I see before falling into a deep sleep is the beautiful smile of Spencer Reid sitting across from me.

Doctor Spencer ReidWhere stories live. Discover now