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another school day. another day of dealing with clingy girls. "now you know how i feel." saiki said while walking up beside me. "it's not that i don't like them. i'm really happy to be friends with them, but sometimes it gets a little overwhelming." i admitted. "oh yeah, here's your sweater." i said while giving saiki a paper bag. "thank you." the psychic thanked me. "oh and by the way, i hope you don't mind, but i washed it because i accidentally fell asleep in it." i told him. "oh, that's okay, i don't mind." he reassured. "is that lavender i smell?" he asked after sniffing the sweater. "sorry!! it's the only detergent i had." i apologized. "no it's okay, it's just different from how i usually smell." saiki said putting the sweater back in the bag.

we finally arrived at school and all of our friends greeted us at the gate. "good morning!" i heard multiple people say. "good morning, everyone!" i greeted everyone as well. "y/n, saiki, let's walk to class together!" teruhashi offered. "okay!" i took up her offer. saiki looked like he was against it though. he followed us anyway. "saiki, what's in the bag?" teruhashi asked him. "my sweater." the psychic answered. "why do you have your sweater in a bag?" she asked out of curiosity and because she has a huge crush on him. "i let y/n borrow my sweater and she gave it back in this bag." he said hoping his answer would drive teruhashi away. i glanced at the blue haired girl and the jealousy was evident on her face. "why did y/n borrow your sweater??" she awkwardly laughed. "we were walking home together and it was really cold. she didn't have a sweater so i gave her mine, simple as that." saiki answered, starting to get really annoyed with the girl. "oh" teruhashi said as her smile faltered. "i feel kinda bad." i told him telepathically. "it wasn't my intention to hurt her feelings, i just don't want her to like me anymore." he shrugged. "oh well, it's not like you were being mean in any way." i shrugged as well.

during lunch, i decided to use my mind reading powers on teruhashi. i just wanted to make sure she was okay. "i should ask y/n how she got saiki to fall for her." the blue haired girl thought to herself. uhm, first of all, saiki never 'fell' for me. second, i haven't done anything to make him fall for me in any way, so please don't ask me... i didn't even need to check in on her, she's fine. i put my powers under control again and went to the rooftop. i seriously need a break.

"where's y/n?" teruhashi mumbled to herself. "i'll just get the boys to find her!" she said, calling for the boys' attention. "oh! teruhashi!" each boy gasped at the sight of the goddess of PK Academy. "can you guys help me find y/n?" she asked with a sweet tone in her voice. "of course, teruhashi!" the boys said simultaneously. the boys all split up into different groups and they started their search party for you. different groups covered different spots of the school. takahashi lead one of the groups and he decided to search the rooftop first. how lucky. he opened the door to the roof and saw you sitting near the edge of the building. he called the rest of the groups and they all made their way to the roof.

i heard the door open and i turned around to see a huge group of boys. "we found you! surrender to the kokominzu!!" they all said in unison. is this a cult... are they gonna sacrifice me?!?! the thought of being sacrificed terrified me. "uhm, what the HELL is going on???" i asked them. "teruhashi is looking for you." one of the boys said in a creepy manner. "ok you guys are creeping me out." i said as i slowly backed away from the crowd of cult members. "you're cornered, you have no where to go!" one boy yelled. "way to point out the obvious!" i yelled back. "just come with us and there won't be any trouble." one member said as he slowly approached me. i continued to back up until my back hit the railing preventing me from falling to my potential death. "i guess we'll just have to force you to come with us." the leader of the cult sighed. "we didn't want it to come to this." he said, sighing again. "saiki, i know you don't like having to rescue me, but i need rescuing again. I'M SORRY!!!!" i pleaded trying to reach the pink haired psychic with my telepathy. i prayed that he heard me because i was about to do something crazy. "tell your precious kokomi that you couldn't get to me. peace out!" i winked at them and flipped them all off before falling backwards off the building. will he be there to rescue me? i thought to myself as i accepted my fate. i can't believe i'm falling off a building just to avoid that saiki-obsessed girl. "i can't believe it either!? are you crazy?!?!" saiki said as he caught me. we stared at each other in disbelief. "i knew you would catch me." i smiled at him. "but what if i didn't?!?!" saiki yelled at me using his voice. "then i would've remembered to use my powers." i said, remembering that i literally have powers that i could've used to save myself. "good grief." he said, mentally face palming. "thank you for saving me though!" i gave him an innocent smile. "you owe me coffee jelly." saiki said putting me down. "yes, i know. i'll take you to the convenience store after school!" i offered.

school ended and we were now walking to the convenience store. "why didn't you use your powers earlier?? when you were falling off the roof??" saiki asked me. "i don't know, i guess i just forgot. i was too focused on the fact that i was literally falling off a building that i forgot about using my powers. i just panicked." i said, recalling the incident from earlier. "oh." the psychic didn't know how to respond. he's never felt that way so he couldn't empathize. "i know it was really risky of me, but i knew you would be there to save me so i wasn't too worried." i gave him a warm smile.

author's note:
i'm starting to regret writing that y/n has powers. she could've used her powers to get out of situations or save herself, but it's better when saiki saves her. but at the same time, having powers makes things more interesting. either way, i'm already 6 chapters in and it's too late to change things.
anyway, i wanted to write another chapter before i start school. my school starts tomorrow and i wanted to get another chapter in before i get busy again. i really hope you guys are enjoying the story so far!! also, thank you so very much for 100+ reads, i honestly didn't think this much people would read my story. i know 100 reads isn't that much, but it still feels like a lot to me lol. either way, thank you !! <33

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