Chapter 2

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(Warning cringe XD)

Y/n POV*

As I walked through the alleyway through my way my beloved husband Gramorr. As I arrived and stop in front of Gramorr King Ephedia spoke up "Were here gather today to celebrate Queen Cryilies/Y/n and Gramorr of their marriage" King Ephedia said, "Gramorr will you take Y/n to be your beloved wife till the day you die?" King Ephedia said "I do," Gramorr said, "Y/n will you take Gramorr to be your beloved husband till the day you die?" Kind Ephedia said "I do," I said "Now you may kiss the bride," King Ephedia said. We leaned in for a kiss the crowd cheered. As we went out of the alley Queen Ephedia and King Ephedia approach us "congratulations you too we happy that you two found each other" Queen Ephedia said 

"Thank you, Queen Ephedia I'm glad you could come to our wedding," I said "Yes it is an honor that you could invite us to your wedding," King Ephedia said I giggled "Why don't we eat we don't want our guest to be starved won't we love," I tell him...

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"Thank you, Queen Ephedia I'm glad you could come to our wedding," I said "Yes it is an honor that you could invite us to your wedding," King Ephedia said I giggled "Why don't we eat we don't want our guest to be starved won't we love," I tell him "Of course darling let's go to the dining room," Gramorr said. We all went to the dining room and we had lots of fun. 

                                                             ------ 4 months later------

I was in my formal casual dress talking a walk around my castle heading to the garden I see my garden door a little open I took a peek inside I saw Gramorr in my a garden with a flame tiger 

I was in my formal casual dress talking a walk around my castle heading to the garden I see my garden door a little open I took a peek inside I saw Gramorr in my a garden with a flame tiger 

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I see him wearing something I don't see him wear very often with a weird mask on him

"Now all I need to do is go to the Queen and King's Ephedia kingdom and I can take the throne to myself and my darling  will be ruled together without anyone stopping us!" Gramorr said my face was shocked mix with heartbroken and anger

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"Now all I need to do is go to the Queen and King's Ephedia kingdom and I can take the throne to myself and my darling  will be ruled together without anyone stopping us!" Gramorr said my face was shocked mix with heartbroken and anger. I ran quickly as I can to the Queen and King's kingdom. "Your majesty, I have something important to tell you," I said trying to catch my breath "What seem to be the matter we now have our new baby born daughter name Iris," King Ephedia said "Gramorr is trying to take your kingdom for himself," I said tears forming in my eyes. The Queen and King seemed shocked King Ephedia looked at his wife she nodded " Y/n Queen of Cryilies we now have a mission for you you be sent to earth with our newborn baby Iris" King Ephedia said, "What isn't that too much"? I asked "You the only one we can trust," Queen Ephedia said "Very well then I will accept your request," I said I go up to Queen Ephedia I look at the newborn baby.

 The Queen and King seemed shocked King Ephedia looked at his wife she nodded " Y/n Queen of Cryilies we now have a mission for you you be sent to earth with our newborn baby Iris" King Ephedia said, "What isn't that too much"? I asked "You the on...

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"I won't be able to see you grow Iris I wish you in god hands Iris," Queen Ephidai said she handed me, baby Iris I teleport myself to earth with baby Iris around my arms. 

Gramorr POV*

"Now all I need to do is go to the Queen and King's Ephedia kingdom and I can take the throne to myself and my darling will be ruled together without anyone stopping us!" I said I heard footsteps behind that look like running I think someone heard my plan "Hm" I said I walked out of the garden and head straight to the Ephedia kingdom with my pet beside me. As I arrive there I open the door and saw the King protecting her wife from something. "Gramorr we know what you're planning on doing with our kingdom," King Ephedia said "Who told you my plan but that won't stop you from doing it," I said with a smirk under my mask. "Queen Y/n told us" King Ephedia 'what she heard my plan but why?'  "Where is she"? I said " We sent her to earth with our newborn baby Iris," King Ephedia said, "WHY WE COULD HAVE BEEN HAPPY TOGETHER WHY DID YOU SENT HER AWAY FROM ME!!!!!" I shout at him in anger. "We want her safe away from you," King Ephedia said " Fine then I will just take the Queen's crown then," I said I use my powers to put crystal around his feet I approach the Queen and try to take the crown from her head but to was protected with magic. "How?" I said "Is protected with magic the crystals are starred around the earth" Queen Ephedia said. "Very well then I will find my way to find those crystals, find the last princess, and return to my wife Y/n," I said 'I will look for you no matter the cost you can't run away from me'

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