Parts and Service

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I sat there waiting. The night guard was taking his time in opening up Freddy. Too bad he didn't see the person behind him. I had my legs dangling on the conveyor belt leading to the scooper. Everyone seemed to be scared of it but for some reason they won't tell me the full story of why. So that's why I'm here just to keep an eye on Freddy while deactivated so that the night guard doesn't succeed in bringing him to the scooping room while still performing the required maintenance. Bon bon was sitting attentively on my lap waiting for his que to attack. I started to pat his head absentmindedly while listening to the night guard work. 

From the pop of Freddy's faceplates and the yelp of fear from the guard I concluded that they were barely halfway done with maintenance. This night guard seemed to be a lot more jumpy than the others before him. He was much easier to scare. Foxy had the most fun with him from what I heard  when he was making his way to parts and service. Speaking of which he seemed to be finishing up and started to close him up. Bon bon then looked at me to let me know that he was ready to kill him. 

I gave him a silent nod for him to go ahead. He gave out a quiet giggle before scrambling out of my lap as best he could with two arms. I pulled my knees to my chest awaiting the gory demise of the night guard. He responded with a 'who's there?'to the scuttling that Bon bon was making. There was the mechanical screech of Bon bon then the cry of fear from the night guard that was cut off and replaced with the sounds of tearing flesh. By that time I already had my ears covered an my eyes closed to protect them from the terrible sound and sight. Only then did I uncover my ears and eyes once I felt a paw tapping my right knee.

" You okay?"he asked as gently as a person could when he had blood smeared all over his face and bits of flesh stuck in his dull teeth."y-yea I'll be fine in a little bit after we get Freddy back on and running." I said as I jumped off of the belt. I turned around to face Bon bon after getting a couple of napkins of of my pockets in case this scenario happened. I proceeded to wipe as much blood as I could get off with three lousy napkins all the while Bon bon huffed and squirmed. 

After cleaning Bon bon a little I proceeded to vault over the conveyor belt to the other side while being mindful of the body in the far left corner of the room. After getting to the other side I told Bon bon that I was ready for him to wake up Freddy. I waited until his pink eyes opened then I smiled."you feeling better buddy?" I asked as he did a once over his body to see if there was anything amiss.

"I-IS THE B-BIRTHDAY BOY STILL H-HERE?" Freddy asked as he started to get up from the conveyor belt leading to the scooper. I shook my head yes and pointed my head toward the corner of the room. I proceeded to leave parts and service so I could actually clean up Bon bon. I then tuned on my phones light but turned it to the floor to create minimal distress for Funtime Foxy. So that he knew that it was me I turned my phones light on and off three times in short bursts then turned it on again for two seconds then immediately turned it off.I hear the scurrying of Foxys feet growing in the distance then followed Bon bon out of the room.

We made our way to the bathrooms so I could clean him up a little bit. Once we got there I almost unsuccessfully picked him up but I managed to regain my balance to place him on the counter. Catching my breath a little I started to turn on the water so that it would be nice and warm. I then rummaged in the cabinet near the sink to find what I was looking for all the while keeping a eye on Bon bon so that he doesn't get away like last time. After finally finding the rags I placed them under the now warm water then squeezed out all of the excess water. "Either we do this the hard way where I have to hold you down or the easy what where you suck it up." I told him turning around so that he knew that I didn't want to deal with his crap today. Him knowing that it was not a empty threat mumbled out a " the easy way" before I went to work cleaning him up. It took a couple of wipe downs to get all the blood off then I got to work on the flesh between his teeth muttering a couple of "ew's "here and there while he chuckled.

I'm probably going to continue this one another time so stay tuned for that I guess.

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