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If the puppet wasn't with him at the time I would've been dead. I knew I shouldn't have went through that certain alleyway it was just too sketchy now that I think about it. I didn't know that he would be there or that he was waiting for me. By the time that I was too close it was already too late.

 I had just turned back when I felt something metal grab me by the waist and drag me to the figure. Before my limbs could get crushed from being pulled inside its stomach I felt stiff fabric arms pull my limbs and head into the best possible fetal position it could when a claw was around my waist before it pulled me inside. After I was shoved inside the claw around my waist retracted and folded into the side of the hollowed out stomach.

 Before I could scream anymore than I had those same arms were wrapped around my mouth and I was pulled to a thin chest. I tried wiggling but it was no use. When I looked up I saw a puppet? It was hard to tell in the darkness of the space and the night. Before I could do anything else I started to hear the sound of a music box playing coming from the bear? All that I know is that it seemed to relax the puppet to the point that it let me go. At  that point I decided to call the puppet a female. 

Right now the bear was in a sitting position so I tried to see if I could poke my head though the little gap without disturbing the puppet. Once I got there I found that the eyes were rolled back to look at me. "Easy, I'm trying to not hurt you at the moment and you're not helping by moving around so much." The bear spoke. "I advise that you stay with the puppet and wait for me to tell you what to do so this will go easier for all of us."

Not wanting to upset the bear I went back to the position that I was in earlier. After I was back in the fetal position with the puppets arms around me to keep me secure the bear started to take its first steps out of the alleyway. I could tell that he was trying to be careful walking with a living being inside his stomach but some of his movements were a little jarring. The puppet kept me cushioned for the ride to who knows where. I think I fell asleep for a while until the puppet woke me up.

When I woke up the rhythmic sound of walking was replaced with me being pushed up against the front of the bears stomach and the sound of crawling. After a minute he got up and I was jerked back to the bottom of his stomach with the puppet. After a bit more walking he finally stopped and opened his stomach and started to fish me out. After he got a firm hold on me he started to pull me out.

Seeing as this was my chance to escape I immediately started squirming once I was out of his stomach. No matter how much I squirmed and pleaded he wouldn't let me go instead he closed his stomach and tossed me to a couple of robots who grabbed ahold of me so I wouldn't run. "What do you want from me!" I yelled still kicking and screaming to get away from the tangled mess of wires that was holding me.

 Instead of answering me they all looked at each other as if deciding to tell me something. After their brief staring contest the female with the two pigtails looked at me and said " we're trying to protect you." I scoffed

" if you were trying to protect me you wouldn't have kidnapped me." 

"You don't get it do you? You don't know who you are related to?" I looked a her in confusion until the broken bear behind me chuckled. 

" You're related to Henry Emily. We brought you to Circus Baby's Pizza World to keep William away from you. Until then you're staying with us."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2021 ⏰

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