8. Danger pt.2

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"It's Jilee- I- She- she-"

"Take a deep breath and tell me what happened."
They heard him take a deep shaky breath.

"Hyung, remember when she felt sick at the funeral?"


"Since that day, she's been sleeping a lot, only getting up to work in the shop and then she goes to sleep again. She doesn't eat reguarly, she's too quiet, she barely notices me.. I'm scared she's tired of me but I'm also scared for her health.. I don't know what to do anymore."

"We're coming over, then we'll talk okay?"

"O- okay.. Thanks hyung."

"No problem Kook, hold out a little longer."

He put down the phone and put his hands in his hair in frustration.
"Fuck, okay, Take a cold shower, it'll help you get rid of that." Taehyung signed meaning his boner.

"I'll go get ready okay?"
He kissed the other's cheek before gently getting him off his lap.

After 15 minutes they were both ready to go and stepped in the car.
On The way there, Taehyung seemed to get more tense.

Jimin noticed and grabbed his hand, stroking it with his fingers.

They were lucky the parking spots behind the shop were finally open again after it was held closed for replacement of the road replacement.

They quickly got out of the car and walked in through the back door using Taehyung's key.

they wanted to walk upstairs but heard sniffles coming from the shop.
Taehyung looked around the corner to find Jungkook leaning on the checkout desk with his hands in his hair.

He looked up with teary eyes.
"Oh hyung you're here!"
He walked to Taehyung and hugged him.
He started sobbing in his shoulder so Taehyung rubbed his back.
"Shh, calm down Kookie, breathe. Let's sit down."

He took him to the back and sat him down at the couch where Jimin was waiting.
"Jimin hyung, t- thank you both for coming."

"We're here for you Kook, tell us what happened."

"I don't know how to- I'm a bit dizzy.."
He indeed looked very pale and a bit sweaty.
Jimin got up and gave him a glass of water.
"Take it easy, We'll listen."
He rubbed Junkook's shoulders while the younger took a sip.

"Just start at the beginning."
Taehyung said.

Jungkook nodded.
"Alright, so after the funeral of Jimin hyung's mom, She said she felt a bit sick and she went home. So she had laid in bed for the whole day. I knew she was hiding something but I don't know what. The days after, she took a lot of painkillers and didn't do much. Her daily routine was, sleeping, working at the store, barely eating one meal, and sleeping. One day I found her behind the pay desk after helping a costumer. She was clutching her stomach and crying but she rather seemed angry then hurt. I asked if I should call an ambulance but she said no and told me to get her painkillers. So I did. The next days she woke up in a lot of pain but kept going to work. I told her I'd handle it but she was so stubborn to go anyways.
She even made extra hours and she never noticed me cry. Then three days ago, I saw her changing in our room when I just woke up.. She was so skinny... too skinny. She was never like that. I saw the shape or her ribs through her skin. It scared me so much. But she kept working, that evening she woke up screaming. Again she told me to get painkillers and finally asked me to help her put her shirt off since she was sweating and feeling hot. Then she fell asleep due to the many painkillers she took. Yesterday morning, she wanted to get up for work again but I told her to stay in bed. She was yelling at me for being bossy but I kept holding on for her to stay in bed.. she got more tired by yelling and finally fell asleep. I was crying for hours but she was numb by all the painkillers and didn't notice anything happening around her. She woke me up in the middle of the night. She said she wanted food and so I made her some food.
When she finished, I brought her back to bed and all she did was tense her body. She was so tired but couldn't sleep by the pain she said.
Then she fainted. I panicked and just made sure to clean her with cool water when she felt hot or was sweating. She did wake up earlier this afternoon and again wanted to work in the shop, but I told her no. She got out of our bed and tried to push me away from her when I wanted to lay her down but she was so weak. Her pale skin makes her look dead, the look in her eyes kills me. I don't know what to do anymore..."
He started crying again and Jimin started crying too.

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