Love in Lockdown

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Every month I post a poll on my P/treon for the story of the month. All of these stories will be one-shots (5k-10k words). This is for the month of December.

Special thanks to my patrons:
Tiffany Brown
Rosie Morris
John W Ballantyne
Dani Li


"As much as possible we need people to work from home!" Eren boomed. "I am not giving up on everyone just because of this shitty virus!"

"I agree," Erwin Smith, his trusted partner in trade nodded. "A skeletal workforce is appropriate as well for those who needed their presence here."

The room was buzzing, all were busy. The world is going insane at the moment but Eren kept his cool... Sort of. If push comes to shove, the brunette Alpha is willing to use his wildcard to save his company. To save his precious workers.

The success of Eren's enterprise rests on his inheritance. He knew that he'll acquire half of it if he gets a mate before his 30th birthday. And the other half when he had children.

He's not against it. He knew that he wanted a family of his own and a mini version of him running around his house. He knew that eventually, he'll date an Omega with a pleasant personality and that belongs to a respectable family.

But he didn't know that time flew so fast and with the Titan virus spreading worldwide like wildfire, Eren has never been busy.

Eren packed all the work he had in the office, he'll be working home for a while. No one knows when the virus will be gone, it's better to bring every piece of important paperwork with him.

Eren cleaned his desk, only then did he notice the date in his mini calendar.

"Oh, shit."


"Oh, shit."

"Ugh, that's what I said!" Eren exclaimed as he pulled his hair with his free hand.

"Oh, sorry man. That sucks," said Jean over the line. He's the first person he called the moment Eren reached his house. The Alpha was Eren's childhood friend, he was a dick but the brunette trusted him more than anyone.

He had other friends and family. Like Mikasa, but the raven Alpha won't be much help due to the virus outbreak being a nurse and all. Also, there is Armin. A doctor.

"I need some plan. Fast. I had my company's lifeline on my inheritance. If I don't get the money, everything I worked so hard and all the people who depended on me will be dust!"

"Okay, okay, calm down first."

"Right," Eren nodded and took a seat on the couch. Taking a few deep breaths, Eren spoke. "So? Any ideas?"

"Let's see," Jean hummed. "Your birthday is a week away. Dating someone will be risky. With the virus, and the lockdown."

Eren groaned.

"If we try online dating, that's still edgy. Did your father's will stated that you need to knock up the Omega right?"

"Yeah. I need to marry someone before the 30th, with that I'll get half of my inheritance and another half if I had children," Eren explained.

"Shit. Look, Eren I knew this is not the greatest idea but-"

"Let me hear it."

"Buy an Omega."

"What?" Eren gaped. A few years back, Omega auctions were a thing but the government stopped it but not entirely. Eren would sometimes see in the news that Omega auctions were being held secretly and the police were on it. It's illegal and Eren is against it. "No."

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