Is It Fate?

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(((Chris POV)))


"Chris, hey how are you."

"Why are you calling me, I thought you had common sense."

"Well apparently I don't. I'm just worried about you."

"Look, Tyler, I love you, but you're gonna get me killed, literally."

"Yeah, but--"

"I'm fine, now don't call me again or you'll be in danger too."

"Alright, alright, love you, bye."

"Love you, bye."

God he's a idiot, how am I related to him. I should go find Matthew. I left the room and and decided to go right. When I turned the corner I found something crazy.

"Huh, a bear. Oh shit a bear!!"

Then Matthew came around the corner.

"You have a bear in your house!!"



"He's my pet."


"Could you please stop yelling?"

"Oh, sorry."

"It's fine."

I bent down to pet him.

"Hello there little bear."

"Hi I'm Kumajiro, who are you?"


Did that bear just talk? Well if demons can exist then I guess bears can talk.

"Could you explain to me why your bear just talked."

"Um, well, it's a long story."

"I can wait, and I love a good story."

"Alright, but why don't we talk in the living room."


He led me through his house, down the stairs, and into the living room. It was nice, nothing too out there. We sat down, me with Kumajiro still in my arms.

"Now please, tell me everything."

"Ok I guess I should start off by saying I'm the personification of Canada."

"Um, um, well then."

"It's fine if you think I'm crazy or something."

"No, I believe you."


"You're not the only one people call crazy."

"What do mean?"

"I'd rather not say."

"Oh, ok, well I guess that really explains it."


"Are you hungry, it's almost breakfast time."

"Seriously it's morning already. I guess I could go for some food."

"Aright I'll start cooking then. You can watch some TV if you want."

"Ok, thank you."

"My pleasure."

Holy shit, he's Canada. There's so much I have to find out, but at the same time, I have to keep moving. Maybe he could help me out. I would have to tell him what happened though. Maybe he will understand, either that or he will call me crazy and kick me out. Well I can't keep it a secret forever. I'll have to tell someone eventually. *sigh* I got up and walked into the kitchen. Matthew was finishing up a pancake when he turned around.

"Oh, Chris, I'm almost done, you can take a seat over there."


I walked over to the table and sat down. Matthew then came over and placed a plate of pancakes in the middle while handing me a plate.

"Thanks, is it fine if I call you Matt?"


"Ok well Matt, you know how I'm not from here and all. Well, I'm not just here on a summer trip. I need you to hear me out. I'm in Canada because I'm running away from something, or someone."

"What? Why are you running away from someone, what did they do?"

"Well, you're probably gonna think I'm crazy, but I'm running from demons. Not just any demons though, the ones that killed my parents and are now trying to kill me."

"What?!?! Oh maple that's not good at all."

"You believe me?"

"You believed me when I told I was Canada, so of course I can believe you."

"Thanks, but when my boss, sorry, my brother called earlier, well he probably just put me in more danger."

"You know what I have an idea. But first let's eat these pancakes."



So third chapter. I feel like this is a good place to leave off. I hope you like it and OMG 19 reads, thank you. Also, please tell me what you think, or if I should change something, or add something in.

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