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In Louis' Office

"Come on Legosi, your scars are going to get infected if I don't clean them well." Haji was struggling to keep the wolf tamed as he applied rubbing alcohol to his scars. "Seriously, what made you think that it was the right moment to fight Bill on stage tonight." He pressed down on the wound, allowing the alcohol to seep into the cut. This made Legosi wince in pain.

"I'm sorry," he said what he was doing was a justified action for carnivores, and I got upset," Legosi spoke. "I guess part of me also wanted to test out what he was capable of too, now that I really think about it." Legosi jerked in pain as he felt another shock coming from his back.

Haji shook his head at Legosi's resolve. "From what I know Legosi, carnivores rely on meat for strength. What you did out there could've got yourself killed if I hadn't been there." Haji explained. "You were immediately at a disadvantage going up against Bill, who had already doped on blood. That's enough to give him overwhelming strength compared to a normal carnivore."

Legosi looked upset, letting out a sigh. "You're right, I wasn't thinking at all when I got on that stage. I was just, built up with rage." He brought his hands up to his face.

"Was that the only reason why you did that? Over some vial of blood?" The question made Legosi turn to Haji. "It just doesn't sit right with me, I mean. There has to be more than that right?"

Turning the other way, trying to avoid eye contact, Legosi spoke out. "He accused me of doing a similar thing he was doing. Saying that I know how it feels to attack someone, or worse, consume a part of them," he admitted.

Haji tilted his head with curiosity. "Well, have you?"

Legosi jumped from Haji's question. "I-uhh... no, I haven't done that..." Legosi stuttered. "To anybody." The wolf was hiding his guilt, still recalling the time he attacked Haji.

Haji shrugged his shoulders, believe Legosi's little lie. "Well, I know for a fact that you would never hurt anybody with such intentions." Haji patted Legosi on the head. "After all that time hanging out with you Legosi, I noticed that you're just so docile with others. You wouldn't even hurt a fly." Legosi blushed from the pats, especially when it hit that certain spot next to his ears. Haji pulled his hand away from his head. "But I do have a question though. When it ever comes down to it, will you be willing to fight for what you believe is the right thing to do? Like earlier?"

Legosi took a good minute to think through with his answer. "I think I will. I just need to find what that reason will be though."

Haji let out a nice laugh. "That's the spirit Legosi! You can use what happened earlier as a starter, minus the whole doing it on the stage thing." Haji's phone began ringing from his bag, he pulled out to see Louis' contact. "Hey, what's the situation right now with Bill," Haji asked.

Louis was walking away from the loud girls cheering his name. "Is Legosi still there?"

Haji looked over to Legosi, who looked back at him twitching his ears. "Yeah, he's feeling better now that I tended to his wounds. What is it?"

"I was thinking about suspending both of them from the drama club, but since the play was a success thanks to you, I decided to say that it was all planned out," Louis said. "You have a meeting with the PR department to discuss the play and what changes were made then, is that fine by you?"

Haji was annoyed. "I don't really have a choice here Louis, you practically forced me to save this club's behind." He heard the deer laughing on the other side to call, fully aware of the deer's intentions. He hung up to give Legosi the news. "Apparently, we nailed it today. Everyone loved our performance back there," he said.

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