Chapter 2 - First Day

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Chapter 2 | First day

***Akaashis Pov***
Waking up today was really nothing special.. Just like every day since highschool. You wake up, go to school, get a shit load of homework and studies, go home, stay up until 2 studying then go to bed and repeat. But today was worse. New teachers, new students. Lets see what drama unfolds this year.

I get up the bickering of kenma and oikawa outside the bathroom. As I get up and dress, head down to the kitchen to get some food and hear oikawa shriek " AKAASHIIIII!!! Omg tell Kenma I need the Bathroom!" I always respond with the same "Yeah I'm not getting in with that''in my morning voice. Believe me i've tried to get between them and -Akaashi shivers- It was a horrid day.

***Bokutos Pov***
As I get out of bed I go to the bathroom and hear the screeching of sakusa in the corner of the kitchen cowering and shooing away kuroo who every morning tries to get sakusa and usually gets sprayed in the face with lysol.

After I'm done brushing my teeth and geling my hair I walk into the main room with a "HEY HEY HEYY!!"

Sakusa: Why the hell are you so loud..

"Am I?? I'm just hyped for the first day at the new school!" I walk up to kuroo dragging him away before he gets sprayed by sakusa. "C'mon Kuroro! Let's start walking to school!"

"So Bokuto what are ya lookin forward to here at this school?" Kuroo asked.
"Well." I stated as I leaned back "I don't really know. It's kinda like a surprise! Anyways, what about you?" I giggled. "Well I think you're gonna find someone, y'know kenma has lots of friends I can't wait to finally see him regularly". We soon arrived at the school and went to find the secretary to get our schedule .

***Outside Pov with Akaashi Oikawa Kenma and Atsumu***

Class started and the 4 of them took their seats in the row in front of the back row since they were the closest to the board that they could all sit at.

Soon the teacher came with the announcement that there are new kids joining their class 4 of them to be exact. First there 2 guys who they all knew as Sakusa an well the other one they all had no idea. He's like a Mystery Man. When they walked in you could tell they were slightly arguing about something. Akaashi and Kenma both noticed Atsumu and Oikawa nearly drooling. They of course knew why atsumu was drooling "Because his Omi Omi was Soooooo Hot he would Die" but Oikawa was drooling over Mystery Man.

Akaashi and Kenma watched Oikawa stare at them taking a seat behind them and Sakusa playing with atsumus hair. They both smirked. "Heyyyy oikawa earth to Oikawa" Kenma said to get oikawas attention. Oikawa did hear Kenma and kept staring. Akaashi slapped the back of Oikawa's head and said "Hey Kawa! Stop Daydreaming about the new guy, pay attention!" Oikawa Blushed and heard the mystery guy say "Take a picture it'll Last Longer" Akaashi and Kenma Snickered at Oikawa's embarrassment.

The Mega Speaker had called Akaashi on account he was part of the student council and he went down to attend to business and almost 10 minutes later Bokuto and Kuroo entered the class completely out of breath and excused themselves on account of being late.

***Akaashis POV***

As I come out from the back of the cafe mid way tieing my apron on I head to the front to start taking orders. A while later I start to smell a sweet yet salty scent almost like carmel. I brushed it off since the fact that it's a cafe. I looked up to see 2 guys walk in and I recognised him almost instantly not only by how he looked but his scent. It was none other than "Rooster Head". As they walk up to the counter I look up to see kuroo smirking. "Hey Kuroo," I say quietly. Kurro responds with a simple snarky hey back an is about to ask but I interrupt before he starts ranting.

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