Chapter 3

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You and kevin arrived home after the boys since yunho had drove them. You saw them all sat on the couch watching tv when you walked in followed closely by kevin who was also quite awkward around new people, thats why his only other friends were jacob and eric, who you hadn't met yet. "were ordering pizza later, want some?" yunho asked as you passed by all the boys on the way to your room. You looked at kevin and he nodded so you told yunho what you both wanted. You walked into your room and folpped onto your bed and kevin did the same making you laugh. You decided to have a pillow fight and squealed and ran around your room making a lot of noise "SHUT UP Y/N" yunho shouted from downstairs making you and kevin laugh and sit down on your bed, getting your breaths back. "that was fun" kevin said and you agreed

Wooyoung POV:

yunho invited us all round his house and we all agreed. I was excited to go not only to have fun with my friends but to see y/n too. We arrived first and sat down to watch some tv. About 5 minutes later y/n walked through the front door. I smiled to myself but that suddenly faded when the boy she talked to a lot was with her. I was slightly annoyed coz i wanted to get close to her but instead this random boy was. i don't know why i'm feeling this way but i can't control it... i was falling for her and i knew it. It was my own secret tho, i didn't really want to share it with any of the boys not for now anyway. After agreeing to yunhos pizza offer and telling him what her and the boy wanted she went upstairs with him, most likely to her room which made me somewhat annoyed. Who was this guy, why were they so close. I badly wanted to know so i thought of something to ask yunho once they'd gone upstairs. "is that your cousin or something" i know this sounds stupid but i really wanted to know who this mysterious boy was. "oh, no.. that's her bestfriend kevin" he said and san looked at me, raising an eyebrow at my question. I ignored san as my mind thought about what if he likes her... even worse what if she likes him... what if they like each other... what if- i was snapped out of my thoughts when i heard thuds upstairs then y/n and kevin laughing and squealing. "someones having fun" mingi laughed pissing me off even more and yunho shouted at them to shut up. I was so jealous, i wanted to somehow scare this kevin boy away but that wouldn't help coz y/n would hate me. There was nothing i could do, after all i shouldn't assume that they like each other. I took my mind off the whole y/n situation and joined in with the boys goofy conversation.


Me and kevin decided to watch a movie together but we ended up loosing interest and in fits of laughter at something kevin had said. I loved kevin... in a friend way of corse, nothing more. People used to think we were dating when i lived here years ago. I had thought kevin might of liked me a bit which worried me. That was soon not a problem when he revealed his biggest secret to me, jacob and i were the only ones who knew. I wasn't that surprised when he announced it but we made him feel good about himself and supported him. The thing he announced was that he was gay but was scared to tell anyone, that's probably a reason were so close. At least i don't have to worry that he has a crush on me and i have to reject him lol. Anyway, we were talking about random things when kevin said "so you seen anyone you like, anyone caught your eye?" he said in a jokingly flirty way. I thought of wooyoung straight away and hid my blushing face into a pillow. "oh so you do!" he got excited. "nooo i-i don't" you kept your face hidden. "your stutter and hidden face tell me otherwise... spill!" he said clapping his hands excitedly. He knew me to well. "ok, ok fine but you can't tell ANYONE!" you said sternly and he agreed with a pinky promise. "okay, it's wooyoung" you hid your face in your hands waiting for an answer "wait! Isn't he one if yunhos friends?" he said loudly so you shushed him. "omg he's literally downstairs!" he jumped up and down happy. "your turn" you say and he stopped jumping "what?" he questioned sitting back down. "do you have a crush" you said in the same jokingly flirty tone as he did when he asked you. "... maybe, i'm only telling you coz i can't away with lying to you" he said blushing at the thought of his crush. "spilllll!!" you said excitedly. You did the pinky promise thing to assure him you wouldn't tell a soul. "actually... its jacob- i started to develop some feelings for him a while ago..." you jumped up with excitement. Once you'd both calmed down you decided to go get a snack from downstairs. Kevin insisted he came with you so he could have a proper look at wooyoung, you laughed at him when he said it. You both walked downstairs and the kitchen and living room, where the boys where, were connected so you could see them all as you raided the cupboards. Kevin elbowed you and glanced at wooyoung annoying you on purpose. You elbowed him back not wanting anyone to notice. "y/n and wooyoung sitting in a tree K I S S I N G" he whispered to you, careful no one heard. You hit his arm and he hit the top of your head lightly back so you chased him with a glass of water which caught the attention some of the others. Kevin looked at you smugly and you glared and him but you couldn't help blushing when wooyoung noticed you and kevin goofing around. Kevin must of noticed coz he turned his back towards him and faced you to make kissing faces like a child. You kicked him discreetly and he stopped. Then you both carried your snacks upstairs laughing.

Wooyoung POV:

We were playing games and it was jongho and yunhos turn. San was looking behind the sofa i was sat on so i turned to see what he was looking at. It was y/n and kevin... she was chasing him with a glass of water, both of them giggling. When she stopped she glanced in my direction and so did kevin so i kept looking to see what they were doing. Kevin must have done something coz y/n kicked him and then they both went upstairs. Ugh! Why can't he just go so i can at least try talk to her! I thought to myself turning back to the screen. I could see san looking at me from the corner of my eye but i ignored him as he might be catching onto me coz he knows me best. I tried not to think about her for the rest of the night which was hard.

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