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Chapter 3

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The first week of school flashed by, much to Diana's delight. She was already feeling like she had been back there for months. Nothing was really different from how the last school year had been. It was mostly just her off on her own. Nobody really interacted with her. Diana didn't mind that much, because the few times people did interact with her, she usually ended up wishing they hadn't.

Diana was alone. But she was used to it. She had learnt to accept it, to settle.

Unlike her peers, who were stressed about SATs and college applications, Diana was in a pretty good place. She had spent most of the Summer working on her Art portfolio and had sent it off already to Forcades Art School, which was a small art college a couple of hours from town.

Going off to Art School was amongst the few things keeping Diana sane. She'd have a new start then, she'd be able to leave everything behind. God knew how much Diana needed a clean slate in a new environment. Away from all the bullshit from the past few years.

Back in her bedroom, Diana lay on her bed, staring up at her ceiling. It was black, peeling at the ends, decorated with stars that glowed in the dark. She had painted it a couple of months ago. She knew her parents wouldn't approve of the color, but then again, her parents didn't come into her room, so that wasn't something she had to deal with.

At that moment Diana heard the front door opening downstairs, signaling that her mother had come home. Tyler was with her as she picked him up from school most days.

Diana rose from her bed, throwing on slippers before making her way downstairs. She was responsible for Tyler while he was home. Her mother was responsible for driving him to and from school. Sure enough, the division of labor wasn't exactly equal, but Diana didn't mind. Unlike most teenagers, she actually enjoyed spending time with her younger brother. After all, the time she spent with him was probably the most social interaction she got.

"Hey Ty, how was school?" Diana asked, appearing in the corridor leading to the kitchen. She made her way over to the kitchen as Tyler trailed behind her, describing the activities of his first week of third grade to her.

Diana nodded appropriately as she warmed up food for him. She was glad to hear that he was enjoying school. Her heart warmed just listening to him talk about all his friends. Just seeing him happy was enough for her.

Diana settled a plate of pasta in front of Tyler, who was sitting in anticipation at the kitchen table and he instantly dug in. Settling down opposite from him, Diana smiled slightly as she watched her brother devour his food hungrily.

"Slow down, you'd choke," Diana said, noticing how he had basically stuffed three spoonfuls of pasta in his mouth in direct succession.

"Never," Tyler simply replied, not slowing down his eating in the slightest.

Diana rolled her eyes, but a small smile played on her lips.

"By the way, where's mum?" Diana asked after a moment of just watching Tyler gulp down his food hungrily.

"In her room." Tyler had a mouthful of half-chewed pasta, causing Diana to squeeze her face in disgust. Tyler just responded with a cheeky smile and opened his mouth wider.

"You're disgusting."

Tyler laughed in response to this. "Thanks for dinner," he said after a few more minutes, standing up with his empty bowl in his hand.

"Don't worry, I've got it," Diana interjected, taking the bowl from his hand, "you should go do your homework."

I should go do my homework too, Diana thought to herself. She had homework she had been putting off for some time.

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